Paramount+’s ‘Love Allways’ is a reality series that takes the concept of dating to the next level. The show revolves around a pansexual woman whom the participants try their best to woo. The task itself is far from simple, and the presence of multiple men and women together also gives way to some unexpected pairing among the cast members themselves until one of them emerges as the winner.
Accompanying them in this journey are two matchmakers who divide the participants among themselves. Additionally, they provide advice to the season’s star. Though entertaining, the show has also left viewers wondering how much o what we see is true. Luckily, we are here to explore the same!
Is Love Allways Scripted?
No, we do not believe that ‘Love Allways’ is scripted. Like most shows within the genre, the series has its fair share of drama, which is hard to ignore, but that is also what makes the whole thing so captivating to watch. With a format not unlike ABC’s ‘The Bachelorette,’ the Paramount+ show has an entertaining premise that still raises some eyebrows. However, the potential for romance and happy endings in this particular series is much higher than in the popular ABC show.
Given that the bachelorette is a pansexual woman who is open to dating someone of any gender, the dynamics among the participants are not solely about the competition. Indeed, the first season saw Tyler Hearing wooing both Sienna Scibird and Jayme Aiden, while Luis Diaz believed that he might have a romantic connection with Rylin Utah. Sienna and Jayme’s own past romance before the show also gave rise to many complications.
Such a diverse cast not only gives rise to an increased amount of drama that does not solely involve fighting but also gives it a sense of realism. All the 13 singles who entered the first season of the show had no idea that they had to woo bachelorette Lexi Paloma. As such, the expectation that everyone would immediately fall head over heels for her seems a bit far-fetched. This is reflected in the behaviors of some of the cast members, who, while appreciative of Lexi and knowing what the end goal is, do keep an eye out for a bond with another participant if possible.
The possible romance among the cast members is likely also a good test for the bachelorette of the season, who can see just who is actually interested in her as a person and not because she might be the only option for them. Moreover, the series also celebrates how the younger generation views love, romance, and everything related to the same. The decision to have a pansexual woman as the bachelorette is a decision that has been applauded as it gives representation to a community that is often overlooked.
Overall, ‘Love Allways’ does seem to be as legitimate as it claims. The credentials of matchmakers Spicy Mari and Anthony Recenello lend well to their expertise and why they have been chosen for the show. The seemingly genuine reactions of the cast members and the acceptance of cast members not to be focused on one person is undoubtedly indicative of the real world and how dating can be in the contemporary era.
Read More: Where is Love Allways Filmed?
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