Created by Tom Huffman, VH1’s ‘Basketball Wives’ is an entertaining reality series that allows viewers to get to know more about the significant other of some of the best-known athletes in the field of basketball. While many of the cast members have a large fan following, few are as beloved as Malaysia Pargo (AKA Laquisha Pargo). Her life has been a subject of attention, with the fans always curious to know who the star might be in a relationship with. If you are also here to learn about the same, do not worry because we have your back!
Malaysia Pargo’s Ex-Husband and Kids
The main reason behind Malaysia’s appearance in the VH1 series was her marriage to former NBA player Jannero Pargo. The sportsman became a part of the Los Angeles Lakers in 2002 and has been a member of various teams over the years. He got married to Malaysia in 2006, and the duo has three kids(including Jannero Pargo Jr). However, they separated in 2012 and filed for a divorce in 2014, after ten years of relationship. Despite the differences between the two, it seems like the two seem to have found a middle ground for their kids.
“After divorce, it’s not about you. It’s about the kids. For me, I just learn to make sure my kids are whole,” she shared with Rolling Out. “I’m not going to say it was just like, “Boom! Let’s be friends,” because it was not. It’s been a long time coming,” Malaysia added while talking about Jannero. “We had to work at getting to this point to realize it’s not about us anymore, but about the three lives we bought into this world. We have to suck it up, forget whatever our feelings are, and be adults and talk about it and work it out for the greater good of our kids.
The divorce judgment that came after the separation between Malaysia and Jannero awarded the former with a 2015 Mercedes Benz G550, 50 percent of Jannero’s NBA player’s pension plan, and half of his NBA 401K savings plan. Additionally, the reality TV star got the rights to 3 Beats LLC, along with access to three checking accounts and a money market account. It was also stated that her ex-husband would have to continue paying $14,580 in child support and $800 for child care.
Malaysia’s Former Relationships
Since her split from Jannero, Malaysia was rumored to be in a relationship with James Harden, though it was never officially confirmed. She has apparently also dated O.T. Genasis in the past, and the couple was seen together multiple times in 2016 and even featured on each other’s social media. The reality star was also linked with Jamal Rashid, a well-known music producer. The public also got to see Malaysia go on a double date with CeCe Gutierrez and Byron Scott, where she met Ron, a sports Agent, for the very first time.
Is Malaysia Pargo Dating Anyone?
As of writing, Malaysia does not seem to be involved in a romantic relationship. The reality TV star has been quite vocal about her focus on her children since her marriage ended. Presently, it seems that Malaysia is dedicated to her family. She is also quite focused on her life as a career woman and works hard to keep her various ventures successful. At present, she is affiliated with Vanity World and Boombod. We wish her and her loved ones the very best in their lives and hope they have a wonderful future ahead.
Read More: Are Brandi and Jason Maxiell From Basketball Wives Still Together?
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