Directed by Garth Jennings, Illumination’s animated film ‘Sing 2’ follows Buster Moon, the owner of Moon theater, as he embarks on a new adventure to put up a show featuring a forgotten rock star. A sequel to the acclaimed film ‘Sing,’ the film is a delightful musical with an enchanting soundtrack and an incredible voice cast that includes Matthew McConaughey, Reese Witherspoon, Scarlett Johansson, and Bono. As the mesmerizing film promises an audiovisual treat, viewers must be eager to know about the ways to watch it. If you are planning to watch the film, here’s everything you need to know!
What is Sing 2 About?
After saving the Moon theater with a stunning show, Buster Moon tries to impress talent scout Suki and take the show to Redshore City. When Suki dismisses him, Buster reunites his gang, and they head to the city anyway. They meet the entertainment mogul Jimmy Crystal and pitch the production but fail to make it work. Meanwhile, Gunter pitches a space-themed show to Crystal, with Clay Calloway featuring as the lead.
Intrigued by the pitch, Crystal gives Buster and the gang an ultimatum of three weeks to run the show. Buster and Ash convince Calloway – a rock star who was last seen 15 years ago – to be a part of their production. Ash succeeds in convincing a reluctant Calloway while Buster tries to manage the complications of the production. The film progresses through the show’s development and the events that happen in between. If you are wondering how you can watch this musical comedy film, you might find the streaming details quite helpful.
Is Sing 2 on Netflix?
Sadly, ‘Sing 2’ is not currently available on Netflix. However, since the streaming giant has a licensing deal with the film’s distributor Universal Pictures and production company Illumination, it is highly likely that the title will be made available on the platform in the near future. Till then, subscribers can watch other movies on the platform such as ‘Arlo the Alligator Boy’ or ‘Back to the Outback.’
Is Sing 2 on Hulu?
Unfortunately, the animated film is not included among Hulu’s current offerings. However, subscribers of the streaming service who are keen on watching animated films can watch ‘100% Wolf’ or ‘Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs.’
Is Sing 2 on Amazon Prime Video?
No, Amazon Prime Video’s current catalog does not include ‘Sing 2.’ However, subscribers can instead watch ‘The Stolen Princess’ or ‘Sheep & Wolves.’
Is Sing 2 on HBO Max?
The musical film is not available on HBO Max. However, the platform offers exciting musicals for the subscribers. Thus, viewers may enjoy watching ‘Happy Feet Two’ or ‘The Wizard of Oz.’
Is Sing 2 on Disney+?
‘Sing 2’ is not included among the incredible films available on Disney+. If our readers are interested in watching acclaimed animated films on the streaming platform, we recommend ‘Soul’ or ‘Luca.’
Where to Watch Sing 2 Online?
‘Sing 2’ received a theatrical release on December 22, 2021; thus, it can only be watched at theaters near you. If you are keen on watching the film on the big screen, you can book the tickets on Fandango. After its theatrical run, the film is expected to be available on-demand. Therefore, we suggest regularly checking various platforms in the upcoming months. They are Google Play, Microsoft Store, Vudu, iTunes, and YouTube. Since the film is distributed by Universal Pictures, a division of NBCUniversal, it is highly likely that the film will be available on NBCUniversal’s Peacock. However, this is yet to be confirmed.
How to Stream Sing 2 for Free?
Since the film can only be watched in theaters, there are no available means to watch the film free of cost as of now. But if the movie is released on a streaming platform that offers a free trial, that might change. Nevertheless, we encourage our readers to pay to watch ‘Sing 2′ and refrain from resorting to illegal methods.
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