Directed by Patrick Hughes, Netflix’s 2022 action film ‘The Man from Toronto’ follows the titular assassin (Woody Harrelson), who gets hired for obtaining the activation codes of a deadly bomb. Teddy Jackson (Kevin Hart), an ambitious but “screw-up” fitness center employee, gets entangled in the mission when the people who hire the Man from Toronto mistakenly believe that Teddy is the assassin. To save his life, Teddy sets out to complete the mission along with the real Man from Toronto. As the engrossing film captivates us with its amusing narrative, the viewers may want to know whether the film has real-life origins. Well, let us share everything you need to know!
Is The Man from Toronto a True Story?
No, ‘The Man from Toronto’ is not based on a true story. The fictional film was primarily conceived by story writers Robbie Fox and Jason Blumenthal. Fox co-wrote the screenplay of the film with Chris Bremner for the director Patrick Hughes, who is known for ‘The Expendables 3’ and ‘The Hitman’s Bodyguard.’ ‘The Man from Toronto’ does possess the signature style of Hughes with an appealing combination of action sequences and comic relief. Teddy’s helplessness and the consequences of his involvement in the mission in the life of the Man from Toronto become the foundation of the action-comedy film.
In an interview given in June 2021, Patrick Hughes had expressed how a certain part of himself is committed to the genre of action-comedy. Hughes also emphasized on his love for “blowing things up” and making a film on a grand scale. ‘The Man from Toronto’ ticks all of these boxes. Whether it be the enthralling stunt scenes or the explosions, the narrative of the film demands the grandeur Hughes loves to see in his films. However, Hughes’ film is not just an extravaganza. His characters, especially the Man from Toronto and Teddy, succeed in moving the viewers.
The Man from Toronto’s wish to put an end to his life as an assassin to lead a tranquil life is one of the pivotal aspects of the character. After years of bloodshed, he finally starts to crave a peaceful life in which we wouldn’t have to kill others for a living. As the film progresses, he becomes more and more humane and even becomes considerate towards Teddy and his plights. Through the character, the film shows how it is possible to reform oneself, even in the worst conditions. The Man from Toronto’s change in personality is not drastically different from the numerous real-life individuals’ self-reformation to lead their lives on a positive path.
Within the spectacularness of the film, ‘The Man from Toronto’ offers highly relatable instances as well. Teddy’s resilience to build a life with his wife Lori despite the several failures he has to endure is inspirational and does resemble the reality of several determined individuals. When he almost loses Lori, Teddy tries his best to save their marriage without compromising his ambitions. The blend of Teddy’s relatable life and the Man from Toronto’s action-packed life makes the film stand out from other films of the genre.
‘The Man from Toronto’ is an entertaining fictional rollercoaster, which succeeds in affecting us with the humane characters it offers. Although the film’s narrative unfolds far away from reality, the instances of relatability make the film a distinctive experience.
Read More: The Man from Toronto Ending, Explained
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