The ninth installment in ‘The Conjuring‘ Universe and a sequel to the 2018 film ‘The Nun,’ ‘The Nun II‘ is a supernatural horror movie that revolves around another confrontation between Sister Irene and the demonic force Valak, after the death of a priest. Helmed by Michael Chaves, the film features Taissa Farmiga, Jonas Bloquet, and Bonnie Aarons, who reprise their roles and are joined by Storm Reid and Anna Popplewell. Although it received mixed and average reviews upon its premiere, the nun movie is claimed to be hauntingly scarier than the first movie by many critics, making it an entertaining and worthy addition to ‘The Conjuring’ franchise, making many of you eager to learn more about it.
What Is The Nun II About?
Set in 1956 France, the narrative centers upon Sister Irene who resides in a boarding school where a priest gets murdered violently. Suspecting some foul play and demonic involvement, she decides to take matters into her own hands and begins digging into the murder. Her investigation leads her right to the demon nun, Valak, once again as she attempts to defeat the evil once and for all. Will Sister Irene emerge victorious or will Valak succeed in her demonic scheme? To find out, you will have to watch the film on your own, and here are all the ways you can do so!
Is The Nun II on Netflix?
No, ‘The Nun II’ is not a part of Netflix’s content library. However, you can catch scary and hair-rising alternatives with your regular plan to satiate your appetite for horror, such as ‘Incantation,’ ‘The Day of the Lord,’ and ‘The 8th Night.’
Is The Nun II on Hulu?
Unfortunately, ‘The Nun II’ is unavailable for streaming on Hulu. Nevertheless, subscribers can turn to other horror films that the streamer offers, including ‘Agnes‘ and ‘Lullaby.’
Is The Nun II on Amazon Prime?
Although ‘The Nun II’ is not included in Amazon Prime’s regular offering, you can get access to it by including the HBO Max add-on to your current plan. You also have the option to buy or rent the same on the streaming giant. To get more information about the same, you can head over here! Meanwhile, the streamer compensates well by providing its subscribers with other enjoyable alternatives in the same genre, such as ‘While We Sleep‘ and ‘The Crucifixion.’
Is The Nun II on HBO Max?
We bring good news for HBO Max subscribers! ‘The Nun II’ is available for streaming on the platform, and you can enjoy watching it right here! You can also explore exciting alternatives that HBO Max provides its subscribers, like ‘The Curse of La Llorana‘ and ‘The Exorcist.’
Where To Watch The Nun II Online?
‘The Nun II’ has been released in theatres and several VOD platforms such as Xfinity, Vudu, AMC on Demand, Spectrum on Demand, iTunes, Google Play, Microsoft Store, and YouTube. But if you wish to get an immersive experience, you can catch it at your nearest theater by booking your tickets on the movie’s official website and Fandango.
Read More: Where Was The Nun 2 Filmed?