Created by Joel Fields and Joe Weisberg, ‘The Patient’ is a psychological thriller show that revolves around a therapist named Alan Strauss. Having recently lost his wife, Alan is trying to assimilate back into real life. His new patient Sam Fortner has come to Alan in order to resolve his issues and get help from the best in the field. However, Alan soon finds himself a hostage in his own home as Sam explains that he is a serial killer who wants to get past his homicidal tendencies.
Starring Steve Carell and Domhnall Gleeson, the suspenseful series presents viewers with a nail-biting storyline as the characters take a deep dive into the complexities of psychology. The fear that Alan feels while being trapped by a murderer keeps the audience on their toes and wishing for more. If you are curious to know how you can check out the series, we have your back!
What is The Patient About?
‘The Patient’ introduces viewers to Alan Strauss, who is trying to come to terms with the passing of his wife, Beth Strauss. As a therapist, he meets his new patient Sam Fortner who claims that he needs Alan’s help in order to curb his extreme emotions. The therapist commends Sam for making the big step of acknowledging the issue and having the courage to come to therapy. However, Alan soon realizes that his encouragement may have doomed him. He finds himself as a hostage in his own home, where he is kept trapped by Sam, who turns out to be a serial killer looking to curb his murderous ways. We have listed where you can watch the thriller series if the premise has piqued your interest.
Is The Patient on Netflix?
While Netflix does not offer ‘The Patient,’ the streaming giant does have several shows within the same genre. For those intrigued by the psychological exploration of the mind of a killer, we recommend ‘The Sinner‘ and ‘Mindhunter.’ Both shows revolve around law-enforcement officers who want to explore the motivations that prompted the criminals to commit the crimes that ultimately led to their punishment.
Is The Patient on Hulu?
Yes, ‘The Patient’ is indeed available on Hulu as a part of its offerings from the FX network. You can check out the nail-biting psychological series here!
Is The Patient on Amazon Prime?
Unfortunately, Amazon Prime does not host ‘The Patient.’ However, the platform does have similar shows like ‘The Fall.’ Starring Gillian Anderson and Jamie Dornan, the series follows two police officers who are desperate to catch a serial killer before innocent lives are lost.
Is The Patient on HBO Max?
No, HBO Max does not have ‘The Patient.’ The platform’s vast media library does contain some excellent alternatives, such as ‘The Undoing.’ The show tells the story of a therapist and her family who find themselves entangled in a murder case and features Nicole Kidman and Hugh Grant in the leading roles.
Where to Watch The Patient Online?
As of writing, ‘The Patient’ is exclusively available on Hulu given its status as an original FX series. Hence, you cannot watch the show on any other platform.
How to Stream The Patient for Free?
Hulu offers its new users a 30-day free trial which can be utilized to watch ‘The Patient’ at no cost at all. That being said, we urge our readers to not use any illegal means to watch their favorite shows. Paying relevant channels shows your support for those who work tirelessly to create such amazing projects.
Read More: Where Was The Patient Filmed?