In Amazon Prime’s intriguing competitive designing reality show ‘Making The Cut,’ a group of outstanding aspiring and talented designers compete against one another in a competition full of passion, grit, and impeccable skills. Produced and presented by Heidi Klum and Tim Gunn, the contestants in the series battle for the final reward of a $1 million investment in their brand as well as the prospect of designing a unique line of products with Amazon Fashion.
The reality show has amassed a considerable fan base because of the creative challenges assigned to showcase the originality, talent, technique, and persistence of the contestants in their pursuit of higher success in the fashion industry. Among all the participants in season 3, Jeanette Limas is one such talented designer. Her gradual success in the fashion world, which features her personal style, brought her to the reality show. Here’s everything we know about Jeanette Limas.
Jeanette Limas’ Dominican Heritage and Ethnicity
Jeanette is a native of the Dominican Republic and hails from a loving and close-knit family. She celebrates her birthday on September 3 and is very close to her parents — Fidemio Limas and Cresence Ubiera. Jeanette also has two elder sisters, one of whom is married and also has two adorable children. She admits to being into fashion from her teenage years when she used her mother’s curtains to wear as dresses to several parties.
Jeanette studied at The Mercy Jacquez Institute, where she learned about pattern making. Then, she attended the School for the Arts, Altos de Chavón, where, on graduation, she won the Young Designer of the Year Award. This boosted her confidence and helped her exhibit her first collection at the Dominican Republic Fashion Week. She then went on to study at Parsons School of Design, New York, on scholarship and also took lessons on drapery at The Fashion Institute of Technology to gain the minute preciseness and technique in her work.
Jeanette Limas’ Fashion Design Career
Jeanette Limas is the Founder and Chief Creative Director of the eponymous fashion brand. After graduation, she began working under established labels to get as much experience and exposure as possible. She knew there was fierce competition to set up a good design label. Hence, Jeanette first worked under the design teams of Urban Zen by Donna Karan and Jolibe Atelier and other design houses. After gaining valuable experience, Jeanette finally launched Jeanette Limas Studio, LLC. in 2015.
With her label reaching various heights, Jeanette proudly sells the hottest styles and women’s trending fashion. She has also launched a number of her collections at the New York Fashion Week successfully. Her brand features ready-to-wear and made-to-measure clothing, which can be found online on her website and in some select boutiques. Her brand is set to get even more recognition with her participating in the famous reality show, where she was super excited to make her family proud.
Jeanette Limas’ Husband
Jeanette Limas is married to Yaroslav Lozhko, who is a professional doctor. After dating for a long time, the couple got married in a courthouse on June 1, 2021. Only after their wedding did the pair celebrate their nuptials with their family, friends, and loved ones. According to Jeanette, it was a spontaneous decision. The designer described the wonderful day in a caption that read, “Without telling anyone and without planning, Yaroslav and I got married! Just two of us. Even though I made my dress the day before, it was one of the happiest day of our life.”
The couple lives together in New York City and sometimes in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, with their beloved dog, Glocky. In their downtime, Jeanette and Yaroslav enjoy traveling to various places, especially her hometown in the Dominican Republic. They also engage in fun activities like horse riding. Thus, Jeanette is happily married to the love of her life and is also successfully running her brand with new collections very often and gradually getting noticed by more and more people. We wish the talented designer and entrepreneur the best in her future endeavors.
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