Directed by Kerwin Go, ‘Keys to the Heart‘ is a 2023 Filipino comedy-drama featuring the likes of Zanjoe Marudo, Elijah Canlas, Dolly De Leon, Michelle Dee, Althea Pinzon, and more. The story kicks off with Joma (Zanjoe Marudo) facing a series of setbacks—losing his job and experiencing a road accident—that leads him back to his mother Sylvia’s home. However, fate takes a surprising turn when Joma discovers that he has a step-brother, JayJay (Elijah Canlas), who suffers from autism, setting the stage for a heartwarming exploration of their relationship. Joma embarks on a journey of adjustment, understanding, and growth while coming to terms with the haunting memories of his past.
The movie adeptly navigates heavy themes such as grief, redemption, and disability, using them as a backdrop to unravel a powerful and evocative story. Given its realistic exploration of weighty themes, one might wonder if ‘Keys to the Heart’ is based on real events.
Keys to the Heart is Not a True Story
‘Keys to the Heart’ takes a cue from a Korean movie of the same name, helmed by Choi Seong-Hyeon. The original Korean rendition features stars like Lee Byung-hun, Jeong Min Park, Han Ji-min, Kim Sung-ryung, Suk Mun, and more. Additionally, Choi Seong-Hyeon’s directorial finesse elevated the original to great heights, winning hearts and critics alike.
Now, Netflix brings its own ‘Keys to the Heart,’ ready to dazzle the screen and captivate audiences from the get-go. At the helm is the talented Kerwin Go, hailed for his movies like ‘Eskimadors’ and ‘Mina-anud.’ Stepping into the spotlight is Elijah Canlas, breathing life into Jayjay, a teenager navigating life with autism. Elijah’s portrayal adds layers of authenticity and emotion, promising a heartfelt 102 minutes of joyride.
Despite being a fictional movie, ‘Keys to the Heart’ delves into a multitude of weighty themes, offering insights and valuable life lessons. At its core, the movie tackles sensitive issues such as child abuse, grief, redemption, and autism, weaving a compelling narrative that pulls at the heartstrings of its audience. However, one of its most striking features is its exploration of society’s treatment of people with disabilities and the prevailing prejudice that views them as mere inconveniences.
Through the lens of JayJay, a brilliant pianist and a person with autism, the movie eloquently portrays the struggles faced by those with disabilities. Despite JayJay’s remarkable talent and potential, he is unfairly denied opportunities to showcase his musical abilities in competitions due to prejudiced perceptions held by some. The film effectively sheds light on how society often tends to judge people based on their outward appearances, overlooking the richness within their hearts and underestimating their true worth.
In JayJay’s journey, the audience witnesses the resilience and determination it takes to rise above societal biases and prove one’s capabilities. The character’s struggle and eventual triumph serve as an inspirational message, urging viewers to challenge preconceived notions and embrace the depth of a person’s character beyond their external circumstances.
‘Keys to the Heart’ beautifully peels back layers to reveal the significance of relationships and family dynamics. At its core, the movie emphasizes the transformative power of love and understanding within a family, demonstrating that genuine connections and friendships can bridge even the widest gaps and transcend initial prejudices. The relationship between Joma and JayJay serves as a central focal point, demonstrating the evolution from resentment and prejudice to a deep and unbreakable bond.
Joma’s initial disdain for JayJay reflects society’s preconceived notions and biases regarding people with disabilities. However, as the story unfolds and Joma gets to know JayJay for who he truly is—his talents, kindness, and the goodness in his heart—Joma experiences a change in perspective. The film powerfully illustrates how understanding and empathy can transform relationships, teaching Joma the true value of family beyond judgments and societal expectations.
In exploring the theme of child abuse, ‘Keys to the Heart’ analyzes the lasting impact of traumatic experiences on a person’s worldview. Joma’s traumatic past, marked by abuse inflicted by his father, deeply shapes his perception of the world. It leads him to question and scrutinize everything, making it difficult for him to trust or believe in the goodness of people. The choices made by his mother in the aftermath of the abuse further solidify Joma’s outlook, reinforcing the notion that family dynamics and past experiences play a climactic role in shaping a person’s understanding of the world.
So, In a nutshell, ‘Keys to the Heart’ is not rooted in reality. However, it serves as a thought-provoking reminder of the importance of empathy, understanding, and a broader societal shift toward inclusivity, where people like JayJay are recognized and celebrated for their true worth and unique contributions rather than their disabilities.
Read More: Best Filipino Movies of All Time
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