‘Kids Baking Championship’ is an entertaining, competitive baking reality show that airs on the Food Network, which aired first in 2015 and has been running successfully for 11 seasons. The show centers on a group of young bakers who compete against each other to win the title of ‘Kids Baking Champion’ and take home the grand prize. Over the years, the cooking show introduced the audience to several talented child home bakers. Naturally, fans of the show are curious to know what the child cooks are up to these days. If you are in the same boat, here is everything we know about the same!
Hollis Johnson is Crafting Gluten-Free Delights
Hollis Johnson was the winner of the very first season of ‘Kids Baking Championship.’ Since 2015, Hollis has been very busy trying to work towards her career in food. After taking home the winning trophy, the baker moved to St. Louis due to her father’s work. She also changed her cooking style after being influenced by a change in her lifestyle. Interestingly, Hollis bakes new recipes that are gluten and dairy-free to accommodate her dietary restrictions.
After her appearance on the show, Hollis’ signature Lemon Cake went on sale at Charm City Cakes and was one of the customers’ favorites. The reality TV star also made on-screen appearances in ‘Positively Paula’ and ‘The Developing.’ The 21-year-old baker is living her best life traveling the globe in amazing places such as London, the United Kingdom, Greece, Marco Island, Florida, and others.
Rebecca Beale is Excelling in Academia
Hailing from Graham, Texas, Rebecca Beale was only 13-years-old when she was crowned the winner of season 2 of ‘Kids Baking Championship.’ The chef continued her journey in the world of baking and is currently residing in Lubbock, Texas. The now 21-year-old chef is living her best student life at Texas Tech University. She is currently a Senior Public Relations and Strategic Communication Management student. Rebecca completed her education at Graham High School in Graham, Texas. Every semester of Rebecca’s undergraduate experience, she has either been on the President’s list or the Dean’s list.
Rebecca is active in the Kappa Alpha Theta sorority and the Texas Tech Bullet Ad Team, where she most recently held the position of Vice President Membership. Rebecca will enroll in graduate school at Texas Tech in the fall of 2023 with the intention of obtaining her MBA and a Master’s in Mass Communication. Rebecca intends to go to Dallas after graduation and work in public relations for a significant company. She is also the
Aidan Berry is Balancing Baking and Studies
Aidan Berry was the third winner of the show and a true baker at heart. The young chef recently graduated from Collegiate High School at Northwest Florida State College, and he dreams of continuing his education whilst still pursuing a career in the food industry. He wishes to have a degree in Associate of Arts. In an interview with NWFDaily News, Aiden revealed his future plans and his current status. He said, “I never really stopped baking,” Aidan said when asked what he is doing these days. “With school, sometimes it slows down. I’ve been really busy, but I’ve never fully stopped.”
He added, “I’m thinking of maybe majoring in food science, but that could change any week,” he laughed. “I really like art. I think that could be a good minor as well for food science because baking is kind of a science and art. But I also really like social science, like economics and things that kind of look at people as a system. That just really interests me.” Currently, he is living his student life while being an independent baker who takes local orders.
Linsey Lam is Focusing on Sustainability
Winner of season 4, Linsey Lam was one of the smartest contestants of the show. Since her appearance on the show, Linsey has been busy trying to make a career for herself while making the environment better. She is currently a Freshman at Northeastern University, where she spent her first year in London at Northeastern’s London campus.
She has a passion for design, sustainability, and psychology and hopes to use her creativity to improve the environment. She is enrolled in
Natasha Jiwani is Running a Baking Business
Natasha Jiwani was the winner of season 6 of ‘Kids Baking Championship.’ She is currently residing in Bellevue, Washington, with her beloved and close-knit family. The reality TV star has continued to follow her passion for baking and has set up her own independent business entitled Baking With Nat, where customers can order custom-made cakes and also choose from a wide range of assorted cakes baked freshly by Natasha. She wishes to continue her passion and career in baking but is currently unsure about which colleges to choose.
Paige Goehner is Advocating for Health Causes
Winner of the sixth season, Paige Goehner hails from Paul, Minnesota. The reality TV star is currently pursuing her high school degree at Hill-Murray School in St. Paul, Minnesota. Paige has been suffering from Arthritis since childhood which made it very difficult for her to carry out her day-to-day activities as a teenager. Hence, she wished to help out other kids who are suffering due to the condition and inspire them to keep going. As a result of her win, the baker donated a lumpsum amount to the Arthritis Foundation.
Trevin Alford is Sharing Baking Skills
After his appearance on the show, Trevin went back home to Indiana to complete his education. High school student Trevin Alford has continued baking and overlooking his baker, T-Da bakery. It is incredible seeing how great Trevin is doing and making his family and community proud. In 2020, the reality TV star visited Country Kitchen SweetArt to teach a baking class. He did an excellent job showcasing his cake-baking and decorating talents. Trevin also gave a few tips and tricks for perfecting the baking of the cake.
Graysen Pinder is Aiming for a Cookbook
Graysen Pinder took home the winning title in the eighth season. The chef is a high schooler at Wilmington Christian Academy and has made her family and community very proud. The 14-year-old says she wants to put some of her money toward the Humane Society and cancer research while investing the remainder into her company. She adds that one day she intends to publish her own cookbook. She wishes to expand her business, Gimme Some Shugga, which is a great bakery loved by most locals, and work for the community.
Keaton Ashton is Enjoying Teen Life and Baking
Keaton Ashton is the winner of the ninth season of the baking show. Keaton is currently studying in the ninth grade of Junior High School. The young reality TV show is enjoying his teens like any other kid, studying and baking as a fun activity. Keaton enjoys eating. Ham, mashed potatoes, French fries, spaghetti, and lasagna are among his favorites. He enjoys boat surfing, going fishing, and ice fishing.
Keaton developed an interest in baking cakes and used his artistic abilities to embellish them since he enjoyed art. Keaton’s Cakes, his own company, is now open. In the last two years, he has cooked, decorated, and sold over 250 cakes. He specialized in making cakes for weddings, anniversaries, birthdays, gender reveal parties, and other special occasions.
Nadya Alborz is Supporting Autism Organizations
Nadya Alborz is the winner of season 10 of the show, and the talented baker took home a sum of $25,000. The 12-year-old is already an entrepreneur at the ripe age, and her business Sprinkle It, has become popular amongst the locals. Nadya revealed that she does not have a big sweet tooth herself but loves creating new recipes for her family. Currently, Nadya is studying at Clayton-Bradley Academy and has decided to donate a sum of her prize money to help Autism organizations. We wish Nadya all the best for her future and we hope she continues her baking.
Read More: Where Is Kids Baking Championship Filmed?
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