Lucie Miller: Where is the Greatest Show Never Made Contestant Now?

Amazon Prime’s ‘The Greatest Show Never Made’ sheds light on the hopes and dreams of many who pinned their aspirations on one project, only to discover that not everything was as they had imagined. One of the featured individuals who shares her own unique experience regarding the reality show that never really did get made is Lucie Miller (formerly known as Lucie Maycock), a highly talented woman who wanted to create a new life for herself. So, what exactly is it that she is up to these days? Well, here is what we know about the same!

Who is Lucie Miller?

As the year 2002 rolled around, Lucie Miller was in her 30s and was working as a carpet designer. As a part of her job, she had to pitch different carpets to architects, often requiring her to talk about carpets for about an hour or even more. Given how much the topic seemed to bore others, Lucie decided to hone her presenting skills. Soon enough, she developed a passion for being an orator and would often work on making her presentations more fun and interesting to her audience in order to retain their attention.

Given how much she wanted to explore the idea of being a presenter, it was no wonder that Lucie applied to be a part of the reality show that Nikita Russian has been advertising. The prospect of earning £100,000 by working for a year seemed quite enticing. After Lucie was chosen to be a contestant, she was also asked to be a co-presenter alongside Nikita, a role she took much delight in. However, even till the day that the presentation of the show was set to start, she did not know what exactly the project entailed and was informed about the same when she pulled Nikita aside in order to get the details.

However, Lucie’s dream of hopefully being a television star soon started to seem like a fairway hope. Though she and her teammates decided to continue with the show despite being blindsided by the idea of earning a million pounds within a year without any external help, things soon started to take a toll. Learning that Nikita was not some hotshot television producer but worked at a bookstore only dampened their spirits. Hence, they decided to contact the media in order to share their story, which allowed them to garner fame in a way they had not anticipated.

Lucie Miller is Embracing Motherhood Now

After her time with Nikita Russian Productions, Lucie Miller apparently did go on to explore the world of presenting even further. However, in the documentary series, she admitted that her passion for the same faded as she became a mother and started to embrace her role as a parent. Her two children certainly seem to bring much delight to the former presenter, who cannot help but be thankful for all that life has provided her with. She is also quite happy about being a part of the Amazon Prime show that not only allowed her to share her story with the public but also to reconnect with the people she had formed such a strong bond with during an undoubtedly bizarre period fo her life. We wish Lucie and her loved one the best in their lives and hope that they continue to climb the ladder of success.

Read More: Nikita Russian: Where is The Greatest Show Never Made Producer Now?