The seventh episode of Starz’s comedy series ‘Minx’ season 2, titled ‘God Closes a Door, Opens a Glory Hole,’ revolves around a retreat Constance arranges with Joyce Prigger and Tina. They interview several women to find out who can head the international editions of Minx. Doug Renetti learns a startling truth about Constance’s plans concerning the fate of his company, Bottom Dollar Publications. After ignoring Bambi for a while, Shelly ends up having an honest conversation with her, which ends with an astounding revelation. The engrossing episode ends with nuanced developments concerning Constance’s plans for the future and Shelly’s realization regarding who she really is! SPOILERS AHEAD.
Detective Doug and Rebellious Richie
‘God Closes a Door, Opens a Glory Hole’ begins with a Minx model accidentally killing his mother. When he gets convicted of manslaughter, Richie and Bambi confront the need to discard the photos that feature the former. While they think about replacements, Richie realizes that he can fill the edition with his dream “bathhouse” photoshoot. He seeks the service of Shelly to write another chapter of her erotic novel to publish the latest issue of Minx in the absence of Joyce and Tina, who are attending a retreat arranged by Constance at her vacation home.
Constance makes a group of young women complete unconventional tasks to find out who all are capable enough to lead the international editions of Minx. While helping Richie with his photoshoot, Doug comes across several pieces of a document in his office. He places them together in order, only to start to believe that Constance is planning to sell Minx. He rushes to Tina and lets her know about the same, only for her to dismiss him. Doug tries to warn Joyce about Constance but she dismisses him as well. A persistent Doug breaks into the house and goes to Constance’s room, hoping that he will find any piece of evidence that reveals her dubious plans.
Richie goes to a bathhouse and starts taking photographs of several queer men. While the photoshoot progresses, a group of police officers barge into the establishment and start to beat the men up. Richie realizes that his real story should be about the atrocities suffered by the queer men at the hands of cops, which leads him to take photographs of the police violence he witnesses. Joyce starts to feel uninvolved in the process of selecting women to lead international editions of her magazine. She expresses her concern to Constance, who lets her know that she will consider her suggestions.
Minx Season 2 Episode 7 Ending: Will Constance Dissolve Bottom Dollar?
After getting into Constance’s room, Doug finds a document that reveals Constance’s intention to dissolve Bottom Dollar and start a new company. As far as the wealthy widow is concerned, Bottom Dollar is a black mark on the history of Minx, the leading feminist magazine in the country. She considers the company as the publisher of third-rate pornographic magazines that hold no value. As she is expanding Minx to several parts of the world, she doesn’t want the magazine to come out in the name of a publishing house that’s infamous for porn that has been objectifying women.
But for Doug, Bottom Dollar Publications is his life’s worth. He had worked extremely hard to establish the company and make it a well-known publishing house in Los Angeles. He cannot tolerate a random wealthy widow owning his house, only to burn it down. Therefore, Doug may do everything he can to stop Constance from dissolving Bottom Dollar. At the end of the day, Joyce may determine the winner of the battle between Doug and Constance. After realizing that Tina is on Constance’s side, Doug may seek the support of Joyce, who may become his ally.
Although Constance is the reason behind Minx’s international success, Joyce is indebted to Doug for giving her a chance to materialize her dream. Minx exists because of Doug and Bottom Dollar. Joyce knows that the magazine became a national phenomenon because Doug realized its potential and offered her a stage to work on the same. Her values may stop her from being ungrateful to Doug by becoming a silent spectator when Constance tries to dissolve Bottom Dollar. Since Constance cannot form Minx International without Joyce, her vision, and her acceptance in society, she may fail to dissolve Bottom Dollar if Joyce and Doug team up.
Is Shelly a Lesbian?
When a group of police officers attack the queer men at the bathhouse where Richie conducts his photoshoot, Shelly ends up pouring her heart out to Bambi. She reveals how Bambi’s presence does something to her. Shelly questions her life and identity upon accepting the gravity of her relationship with Bambi. After the intimate conversation, she writes the new chapter of Bella LaRouche’s tale, in which she reveals that Bella feels liberated when she comes across the word, “lesbian.” Since Bella is Shelly’s alter ego, it is safe to say that she is exploring her sexual orientation and may have realized that she is a lesbian.
Shelly has always failed to lead a satisfying life with Lenny. Her husband has been leaving her unsatisfied sexually. She finally starts to satisfy herself by being intimate with other men but still, she doesn’t feel what she feels with Bambi with any of them. After gaining more clarity concerning her sexuality, Shelly may rekindle her relationship with Bambi. She has tried to run away from Bambi for long, only to fail. Her subtle revelation that she is seemingly a lesbian indicates her intention to share her life with Bambi. Shelly and Lenny may have a conversation about their future and they may decide how involved Bambi should be in the former’s life.
Read More: Is Minx Based on a True Story?
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