While there’s no denying the case of fraudster Nicholas Alahverdian who faked his own death in early 2020 is nothing short of enigmatic, it is his personal relationships that intrigue us the most. After all, as indicated in NBC’s ‘Dateline: Dead Man Talking,’ not only is he a convicted sex offender, but he’s also a charismatic male with a history of severe abuse towards his romantic partners. So now, if you simply wish to learn more about the latter —with a specific focus on his several legal wives over the years, including his current spouse— we’ve got the necessary details for you.
Who Are Nicholas Alahverdian’s Wives?
It was reportedly back on November 5, 2010, when Nicholas tied the knot for the first time with a local Pawtucket, Rhode Island native at the age of 23, just for it to soon go up in ruinous flames. She has actually always preferred to remain anonymous, but we do know she herself filed for divorce within six months owing to her husband’s unexpected and terrifying toxic, controlling nature. The truth is she’d even requested a restraining order against him, the granting of which is precisely what led to his arrest in the spring of 2011 since he had repeatedly been calling to harass her.

As for Nicholas’ second marriage, it came on October 14, 2015, a mere two months after he first came across Kathryn Heckendorn at a single’s event at the local LDS church in Riverside, Ohio. “The day after we got married, he hit me,” she once candidly revealed. “It had something to do with the kitchen. I don’t remember exactly what it was, but that was the first time. Then it got worse and worse with the control — putting boundaries on what I could do, how I was supposed to dress — it had to be skirts with pantyhose — and who I could see.” It was a prison for her.
Therefore, Kathryn decided to audio record some of their exchanges to get proof of the abuse she was suffering, driving a judge to side with her once she finally filed for divorce in seven months. In fact, in granting the separation, the latter ordered Nicholas to repay his now ex-wife the $52,000 he’d taken as a loan, plus the nearly $7,800 back support fee he’d never previously disbursed. Moreover, because he’d also unabashedly violated the temporary restraining order she had against him, the court found him “guilty of gross neglect of duty and extreme cruelty” without a doubt.
Then comes Nicholas’ reported third and current marriage with Bristol, England, native Miranda Louisa Knight — they’d happily tied the knot on February 22, 2020, seven days before his “demise.” According to reports, a woman claiming to be his widow “Louise” then spread the news of his supposed death across the world like wildfire, just to soon relocate to Glasgow, Scotland, for good. Many believe this “Louise” was none other than Miranda, yet nothing is confirmed because both she and her husband “Arthur Knight” vehemently maintain they’ve got nothing to do with Nicholas.
Kathryn is Happily Remarried, While Miranda is Still Supporting Nicholas
From what we can tell, ever since the day Kathryn Heckendorn’s divorce from Nicholas was finalized in 2017, she has been working hard to move on with her life while continuing to reside in Ohio. In fact, it appears as if she has succeeded in it as she is now a happily married mother of one, all the while also sharing her home and her heart with a few fur babies.
Coming to Miranda Louisa Knight, it seems like the current Scotland resident still supports her husband at every step of the way in his legal battles despite him being incarcerated at the moment. In fact, whether it be speaking on his behalf in interviews or testifying for him in courts, she is unapologetically doing it all because she believes this is nothing more than a case of mistaken identity. “I think a big part of being married to someone is you know their characteristics,” she said. “There is absolutely no way he could do that to [rape] another woman. I trust him, I love him.”
Read More: Nicholas Alahverdian’s Parents: Where Are They Now?
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