Created by David Collins, Netflix’s ‘Queer Eye‘ is a makeover series that serves as the 2018 reboot of the eponymous Bravo series. The reality show is well-known for featuring a new person in each episode whose life is turned around and transformed by the resident experts. The person around whom the episode is centered is referred to as a hero due to the various reasons why they have been nominated to be a part of the reality show. The sixth installment of the series, which premiered in 2021, featured some of the fan favorites, and the recent release of the show’s seventh season has made people eager to know what the stars of season 6 are up to these days. Well, let’s explore the same together, shall we?
Terri Continues to Teach Dance Today
We are starting off with Terri White, who has continued to work as a Dance Instructor for Broken Spoke. Every week from Wednesday to Saturday, one can avail of two-step lessons from 8 to 9 PM for $10, excluding the cover charge. It does seem like her relationship with her daughters has gotten much better following her time on the show, and she has tried her level best to keep up with changes that were introduced in her life by the Fab Five.
Angel is Expanding Her Influence
Up next, we have Angel Flores, who seems to be making impressive strides in both her personal and professional lives. The trans powerlifter is a well-recognized athlete who is affiliated with organizations like Vivobarefoot and Ziggy’s Naturals. Additionally, she is active on Twitch as a content creator. With over 135 thousand followers on Instagram, her video content is also available on other social media platforms. Through the internet, Angel strives to spread as much awareness regarding the LGBTQ+ community as possible.
Josh is Nurturing Farm and Family Now
Let’s talk about Josh Eilers, who established Ranger Cattle in May 2010 after serving in the US Army as a Ranger Team Leader for well over four years. Presently, Josh continues to work on his farm though he also takes time out to be in the company of his kids, whom he adores very much. Though we saw him with Kayla on the show, there does not seem to be any update regarding his relationship with her as of writing.
Navarro Early College High School’s Prom Committee is Flourishing Today
Let’s begin with Bryan, who started a moving and delivery company with his father after school and went on to be a coach for Westlake Football Club. Presently, he seems to have taken the role of a content creator and makes short videos. Emi Palma is pursuing her Bachelor of Fine Arts degree in Animation from Sam Houston State University and will graduate in 2025. She is also a Radio Talk Show Host for a Spanish show at Sam Houston State University and a self-employed Web Content Writer for her Wix blog Palabras Que Tiró al Viento.
Diego is a student at the University of Texas at Austin and is learning about African and African Diaspora Studies. Miss Tara Bordeaux is now a CTE Instructional Support Specialist for Austin Independent School District, having taken up the position in July 2022. additionally, she is a Digital Content Producer for BetterLesson. Arely Hernández worked alongside Freedom Writers Foundation and Penguin Random House for ‘Dear Freedom Writer— Stories of Hardship and Hope from the Next Generation,’ a book by 50 student authors released on March 29, 2022.
While Mari is exploring herself and the art of photography, Emilio is training to be a nurse at St. Edward’s University. As for Ali, she is enrolled at Louisiana State University, having switched majors from Journalism to Pre-Veterinary Medicine.
Todd is Flourishing in Cajun Cuisine Now
If you are wondering how Todd Maddox is doing, we are excited to share that he and his food joint, Plooky’s Cajun Boiling Pot, seems to be doing quite well. The restaurant’s Owner and Operator, who is often lovingly called Toddles, celebrated his latest birthday in July 2022 and received many good wishes. Not only does Todd seems to have embraced the changes in his life, but his customers also seem quite happy with just how the Cajun food joint is being run, especially with the delicious taste of the crawfish and shrimp!
Dr. Jereka is Leading a Health Institute
We are pretty excited to talk about Dr. Jereka Thomas-Hockaday, who continues to work with Central Texas Allied Health Institute as its Co-Founder and Chief Academic Officer. Additionally, she is the Managing Director of River City Assisting. As for her personal life, the medical professional has been with her husband, Ben Hockaday, and is quite in love with him and their son Carter. The family also has an adorably shiny black dog named Blackberry, who brings much joy to the family of three.
Jamie is Expanding Animal Rescue Efforts
Jamie Wallace-Griner’s amazing work with animals has continued to only expand under the umbrella of Safe In Austin Rescue Ranch. As the Founder of the organization, the reality TV star tries her level best to safeguard as many animals as possible and provide them with much care and love. In April 2023, she shared her plans to host an anti-prom event on April 22, 2023, for any high school student in the local area. The idea came from her middle child, Jackson, who is homeschooled and simply wanted to spend time with his friends, given that he could not attend an official prom event.
Chris is Advocating for Housing Solutions
As the Executive Director of The Other Ones Foundation, Chris Baker continues to work for people with housing issues within Austin, Texas. In March 2023, he shared how a healthy lifestyle and Vertical Sleeve Gastrectomy Surgery have helped him in his physical transformation. “I’ve gotten back into the swing of picking heavy things up and then putting them back down. Then doing it again. Feels good,” he stated. When not helping others, Chris can be found skating or spending time with his wife and children.
Sarah is Fusing Culinary Arts Now
Culinary expert Sarah Lim is thriving as the Owner and Operator of OMG Squee, a bakery that combines Asian and American flavors in the sweetest ways possible. Additionally, Sarah continues to work as an Editorial and Commercial Photographer under the brand Sarah Lim Photo. Many of her photographs can be viewed via social media, and OMG Squee also enjoys a certain amount of fame with over 105 thousand followers on Instagram.
Reggie is Evolving in Music Now
Reginald “Reggie” DeVore Jr, AKA BlackLight, has continued to pursue his passion for music. has released his latest music video, “Back in the Day,” in February 2023. Blacklight has been a part of many events and even opened for Dua Lipa and Katy Perry at the OnePlus Music Festival in Mumbai, India, which took place in November 2019. When not working hard, the Air Force veteran likes to spend time with his wife, Sasha DeVore, and two sons, Lil Reggie and Stokely.
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