CBS’ ‘Survivor 44’ is season 44 of the renowned ‘Survivor‘ reality TV series. It follows a group of strangers who attempt to fend for themselves in an isolated location by searching for food and shelter while competing in multiple challenges. Like all the contestants on the show, Sarah Wade is here to win and wants to leave a mark. She has quickly risen to fame, and the viewers can’t get enough of her. If you were also enthralled by Sarah’s performance and wish to learn more about her life outside the show, here is all you need to know about the promising reality show star!
Sarah Wade: Family Background, and Athletic Endeavors
Sarah Wade is an energetic and beautiful 27-year-old who hails from Rochester, Minnesota, and is currently a resident of Chicago, Illinois. Sarah has the upper hand in the show due to her sports history; she was purportedly a track and field athlete at Mayo High School. She finished secondary school in 2014 and had already competed in the open 200 and relays at the state meets. During this period, she was active in the National Honor Society, Key Club, and Robotics Club and actively participated in tennis, intramural basketball, and other physically demanding sports.
The ‘Survivor 44’ contestant loves being outdoors, whether it be for biking, working out, or playing beach volleyball. Her supposed leisure activities are having sweet drinks, reading, and relishing raw food.
Moreover, she strongly dislikes closed-minded people who cannot break the rules once in a while and the sound of loud chewing!
Sarah participated in the show because she has always been a huge fan who grew up watching previous seasons and contestants. Two years ago, she suddenly lost her best friend, Kalie, and this was a tragic event in her life. However, it fueled Sarah to pursue her dreams because she realized life’s unpredictable and short-living nature, which served as an inspiration for her to join ‘Survivor 44.’
She is reportedly the daughter of John and Margaret Wade and also has a brother who gave her sound advice for winning the show. For instance, he reminded her of how different everyone’s intentions could be and that she should focus on knowing every individual’s uniqueness to solidify her approach toward the game. The second important piece of advice she received from him was about the impermanence of all the challenges she would go through on the show.
Sarah believes that she will be the Sole Survivor of the game because she is observant and knows the show inside out. Competing here is important to her so she can test her limits and realize how powerful and capable she truly is.
Sarah Wade’s Profession
As per reports, Sarah’s proudest achievement was her admittance to grad school Summa Cum Laude where she studied finance and economics and graduated with a 3.98 GPA. This allowed her to secure a well-paying job as a management consultant, where she creates value, resolves issues, maximizes growth, and provides her expertise to businesses.
On the show, she also spoke about working in a male-dominated field which has equipped her with the skill of working with diverse personalities and people from all backgrounds. She describes herself as strategic, driven, and fun, and we couldn’t agree more!
Sarah Wade’s Dating Life
Sarah has kept her dating life away from the public eye, and for now, it seems like she loves her privacy because her social media presence is quite limited, with only one private Instagram account. There are no updates about her real-life partner, but she spoke about wanting to form an alliance with someone (solely for the game) equally strategic and scheming, who is slightly different and loyal to her.
Will there be a budding showmance with her chosen partner on the show? Or is she already in an entanglement with a secret beau? Nonetheless, Sarah is one of the strongest contender in the game and we’re excited to know what the future beholds for her. So, we truly hope to see the free-spirited beauty conquer all the challenges of ‘Survivor 44’ with ease.
Read More: Maddy Pomilla From Survivor 44: Everything We Know
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