The eighth and final episode of Apple TV+’s thriller series ‘Suspicion’ season 1 follows the aftermath of Martin Copeland’s death. Tara leads Natalie, Aadesh, and Eddie from Park Madison Hotel to an abandoned building to save themselves from the authorities. Katherine makes a startling decision while Leo Newman’s kidnapping case takes an astounding turn. Back in England, Vanessa and Anderson talk to Eric Cresswell to resolve the mystery behind Leo’s kidnappers. As the first season of the series ends with several stunning revelations, we have taken a detailed look at the finale’s ending to connect the dots. Well, let us share our thoughts! SPOILERS AHEAD.
Suspicion Episode 8 Finale Recap
The season 1 finale, titled ‘Unmasked,’ begins with Sean escaping from Park Madison Hotel upon Martin’s death. Tara realizes that they can be arrested for Martin’s murder and leads Natalie, Aadesh, and Tara to an old abandoned building to stay away from the FBI. To perplexed Aadesh and Eddie, Natalie says that she had to kill Martin for killing Monique. They decide to stay in the building till the streets become safe enough to step out. Back in England, Eric Cresswell informs Vanessa and Anderson that Katherine is behind the allegations against him.
Leo’s kidnappers give Katherine a one-hour countdown to reveal the truth if she wants her son alive. As she struggles to decide what she should do, the FBI informs her that Martin is dead. She goes to see Martin’s body and realizes that the empire she has built is fallen. Katherine watches the video of the function in which she declared Leo as the head of Cooper Newman Foundation. As she watches, Katherine receives a call from Martin Copeland’s number. Eric Cresswell talks about his family to Vanessa and Anderson, especially about his daughter who left with her mother when he was facing the fake allegations. The two investigators identify Cresswell’s daughter.
Suspicion Finale Ending: Who Kidnapped Leo Newman? What is the Truth?
Leo Newman’s kidnapping is a fake kidnapping, staged by Leo, Tara, and their acquaintances. When Tara, Natalie, Aadesh, and Eddie hide in the abandoned building, Leo and his friends encounter the group. Tara joins them and reveals to the others that they staged the kidnapping for bringing the truth about Eric Cresswell to light. Tara is Cresswell’s daughter, who found her biological father after an exhaustive search. Upon finding Cresswell, Tara realized that the accusations against her father were fabricated by Katherine and Cooper Newman PR to force Cresswell into oblivion. To exact revenge on Katherine, she teamed up with Leo.
Leo, who couldn’t tolerate Katherine’s selfishness and the brutal PR tactics she used to build her company and reputation, joined Tara to bring a change. They both knew that the only way to bring the truth to the surface is to make Katherine say it in the most earnest way she can. Since they are battling against a PR giant, Tara and Leo knew that any other method would fail to withstand Katherine’s influence and her company’s PR strategies. They stage the kidnapping, direct the officials to Aadesh and Natalie since both of them are linked with Cooper Newman PR as a distraction.
Tara herself paves the way for her arrest as she knows that she will be released due to the lack of evidence. Her attempts to bring the truth about her father succeeds when Katherine reveals to the whole world that she and her company created the allegations of misconduct against Eric Cresswell to discredit him as a source. Katherine also confesses to not publishing Cresswell’s report and commissioning other scientists to write fabricated reports to invalidate Cresswell’s findings.
Katherine’s confession fulfills Tara’s objective. As a daughter, she succeeds in exposing the truth behind the ill reputation of her father. Tara also manages to reveal to the world how brilliant her father was as a scientist. Leo, on the other hand, fulfills his wish to bring out the ugly side of his mother’s company by joining hands with Tara. As he emphasizes to his mother, there’s a new way forward for Cooper Newman PR and it is without lies and deceptions.
What Does Sean Do with Leo? Who Pays Him?
When Tara and Leo explain the entire kidnapping affair to Natalie, Aadesh, and Eddie, Sean finds them and shoots down Eddie. He holds Leo at gunpoint and asks him to follow his instructions. While Tara, Natalie, and Aadesh attend to Eddie, Sean goes down with Leo. When Martin fails to complete his settlement with Sean, the latter finds another way to gain the money. He contacts Katherine from Martin’s phone and offers Leo in return for $1 million. When Katherine accepts the offer, Sean finds Tara and others for Leo using a tracker he put in Tara’s shoes.
As a well-payed criminal, Sean cares very much about the pay he receives for the time he has to invest in any affairs. Since Leo’s kidnapping and its consequences have demanded and used Sean’s time and energy a lot, he is adamant that he will not leave New York City without a settlement. Thus, he uses Leo as a way to strike a deal with Katherine and returns her son alive for the pay he receives later.
What Happens to Natalie, Tara, Aadesh, and Eddie?
When Sean leaves with Leo, Aadesh insists on saving Eddie. However, Natalie reminds him that any action from their side will compromise their safety and leads them to the authorities. Meanwhile, Vanessa and Anderson find out that Leo might be in the old building with the help of Daisy. The FBI officers arrive at the building when Tara, Natalie, and Aadesh try to decide their next step. Eddie asks them to leave so that they can escape from the authorities. Half-heartedly, Aadesh joins Tara and Natalie, who leave before the officers reach their floor.
The FBI officers find Eddie on the floor, badly shot, and save him. Meanwhile, Natalie, Tara, and Aadesh try to leave the locality, only for authorities to find them. For Tara and Aadesh to leave safely, Natalie surrenders to the officers. Upon Monique’s death, Natalie knows that she cannot return to normalcy even if she goes home. Since Aadesh has his wife and Tara has her daughter to return to, Natalie decides to distract the officers from arresting the other two by surrendering. Natalie’s action helps Aadesh and Tara to escape. Although their return to England may not be an easy affair, they may try their best to reach home someway.
Read More: Is Suspicion Based on a True Story?
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