Helmed by director Ying-Ting Tseng, ‘The Abandoned’ starts off with police officer Wu Jie attempting to take her own life, before stumbling upon the body of a Thai woman lying in a desolate site. She soon finds out that the deceased migrant is missing her heart and finger. Initially deemed an accident, it unravels into a series of migrant women’s deaths, urging Wu Jie and her rookie partner into an intense investigation. Amidst a race against time to prevent further killings, they confront elusive evidence and eerie clues. As the case unfolds, Wu Jie and her colleague navigate a maze of hidden connections and ominous revelations.
Wu Jie’s pursuit not only uncovers the truth behind the murders but also delves into her own internal battles. Complicated relationships and haunting mysteries culminate as Wu Jie seeks justice for the abandoned migrant women, ultimately unraveling a chilling tale of desperation and suspicion. The narrative takes us from dark rainy city streets to deserted industrial sites, holding cells, and cramped establishments.
Where Was The Abandoned Filmed?
The Taiwanese movie was most likely filmed in and around Taipei City. Originally titled ‘Wild Ghosts,’ it was changed to ‘No Heart’ (a loose translation), before being dubbed ‘The Abandoned’ prior to its Netflix release. At the 25th Taipei Film Festival, the movie was nominated for several awards and won two, Best Soundtrack, and Best Makeup and Costume Design. Let us take a closer look at the locations chosen for shooting the film.
Taipei, Taiwan
A majority of the filming for ‘The Abandoned’ was probably carried out in the capital city of Taiwan and its surrounding areas. Taipei stands as a vibrant and multifaceted city offering a diverse array of filming possibilities. Its unique blend of modernity, cultural heritage, and stunning landscapes makes it an intriguing choice for filmmakers looking for character-dense cityscapes.
Taipei’s urban landscape is characterized by its towering skyscrapers, bustling night markets, and lively streetscapes. The iconic Taipei 101, once the tallest building globally, offers filmmakers a striking backdrop for urban-centric narratives and action sequences. Meanwhile, historic sites like Longshan Temple and Chiang Kai-shek Memorial Hall showcase the city’s rich cultural heritage, providing evocative settings for period dramas or cultural narratives.
Beyond the urban bustle, Taipei is surrounded by natural beauty. From lush mountain ranges like Yangmingshan National Park to serene riversides and hot springs, the city boasts a diverse range of landscapes. These natural settings offer filmmakers opportunities to craft scenic and emotionally resonant stories against breathtaking backdrops. A large portion of shooting for ‘The Abandoned’ was carried out away from the city center and into its fringe areas with sparse residences and an eerie undertone.
Taiwan’s government also offers incentives to attract international filmmakers, providing support and resources for productions filmed in Taipei and other parts of the country. The city’s film-friendly environment, efficient infrastructure, and skilled local crews contribute to its appeal as a filming destination. Its dynamic blend of cultural heritage, scenic beauty, and contemporary vibrancy continues to position Taipei as an alluring and versatile filming location for filmmakers seeking an array of backdrops to bring their cinematic visions to life. It has increasingly become a hub for films gaining international prominence, facilitating productions like, ‘Lucy,’ ‘Life of Pi,’ ‘The 355,’ ‘Silence,’ and ‘Red Cliff.’
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