The fourth episode of Hulu’s dystopian series ‘The Handmaid’s Tale’ season 5, titled ‘Dear Offred,’ follows the aftermath of Serena Joy Waterford’s return to Toronto, Canada, from Gilead. Upon learning about Gilead’s information center in the city to accommodate Serena and her duties, June Osborne and her partner Lucas “Luke” Bankole start to worry about the consequences. In Gilead, Aunt Lydia is concerned about the future of the Handmaids, especially after Esther Keyes’ attempt to kill herself and Janine Lindo. The intriguing episode ends with a pivotal development that changes the fate of Serena and her unborn baby. If you are up for a detailed look at the same, let us decode the episode’s ending for you!
The Handmaid’s Tale Season 5 Episode 4 Recap
‘Dear Offred’ begins with June encountering a stranger who knows her and her daughter Nicole. When the stranger calls her a whore, June reacts aggressively, alarming Luke. Both of them see a therapist and talk about Serena’s move to Toronto. June and Luke are aware that either they will kill Serena or Serena will kill them. Mark Tuello asks Serena to seek asylum in Canada as an American citizen but she decides against it since she cannot part ways with her Gileadean identity. Canada and Gilead build an information center for the latter to propagate the country’s foundations.
Serena moves to the center under the watch of Mr. Shaw. Tuello informs June and Luke that Serena is a free woman and she is out of their watch now. June finds a gun and goes to the center to shoot down her enemy but fails to operate the gun. Still, she encounters Serena to scare her. Back in Gilead, Janine gradually recovers with the help of Aunt Lydia. Being concerned about the actions of the Handmaids, Lydia asks Commander Joseph Lawrence to alter the protocols concerning the Handmaids so that they can stay and fulfill their duties under her watch without departing to the commanders’ houses. Lawrence dismisses her suggestion right away.
The Handmaid’s Tale Season 5 Episode 4 Ending: Will June or Luke Kill Serena?
When Tuello informs June and Luke that Serena will not be going back to Gilead anymore, the couple starts to worry about their future. They know that Serena is dangerous when she is living in the same city as them. June starts to think that she needs to kill Serena before the latter threatens her and her family members’ lives. June sets out to do the same. However, she still has to find a way to rescue Hannah from Gilead before she can put an end to Serena’s life. If she kills her, the commanders of Gilead may become cautious about their safety and close down the doors to their country, eliminating every way for Hannah to escape the totalitarian regime.
Luke initially thinks that he can force Serena to return to Gilead by shutting down the information center. With the help of his connections, he even makes sure that the center will not operate for a long time. But Luke eventually realizes the need of threatening Serena’s life. When June and Hannah get forced to live in Gilead, Luke only manages to helplessly witness the same. He doesn’t get into the totalitarian regime to rescue his partner and their daughter. Even though it is a life-threatening challenge, Luke fails to even try once. He cannot sit back and repeat the same mistake. He wants to stand up for his family and kill Serena if her death becomes a necessity for the safety of his family.
June and Luke’s affirmation that they are ready to kill Serena indicates that Serena’s life is hanging by a thread. Still, their motives to kill her may not be enough for the couple to pull the trigger and shoot down Serena, especially when Hannah is in Gilead. As long as Hannah is in her regime, Serena may not need to worry about her death since June and Luke will not prioritize killing her if it will stop Hannah from reuniting with them.
Who is Mrs. Wheeler? Where is Serena’s New Shelter?
When Serena returns to Toronto, an information center gets built for her to stay and work as the international spokesperson of the regime. However, June and Serena’s multiple confrontations at the center make the latter realize that she needs a new shelter where June cannot reach and threaten her. Gladys Wheeler AKA Mrs. Wheeler’s house becomes Serena’s new refuge. Mrs. Wheeler is a Canadian woman who is deeply influenced by the foundations of Gilead. She influences the rise of Gileadean sentiments and values in Toronto. As an ardent admirer of Serena, her actions, and her country, Mrs. Wheeler gladly opens the door to her house and life to her new guest.
In Mrs. Wheeler, Serena has someone who truly cares about Gilead. After witnessing Joseph Lawrence and Commander Nick Blaine’s implicit betrayals, Serena wants an ally who will fight for her regime alongside her, and Mrs. Wheeler can be a perfect fit for the role. Her ardent admiration towards Serena is expected to reflect in the safety the former can offer her. In addition, they may team up against June and Luke, who have expressed their willingness to kill Serena. When Luke comes to know about the information center’s potential shutdown, he feels relieved that Serena cannot continue her stay in Toronto without a “house.”
But in Mrs. Wheeler’s house, Serena finds a shelter that is necessary to fight her enemies. Using her influence, we may also see Mrs. Wheeler increasing the presence and authority of Gilead in Toronto.
Read More: Shows Like The Handmaid’s Tale
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