HBO’s ‘The Idol’ focuses on Jocelyn, an aspiring pop idol whose complex relationship with a self-help guru and cult leader, Tedros, slowly starts affecting her career. In the series, Dyanne, Jocelyn’s backup dancer, slowly makes her presence felt before dropping some major revelations in the fourth episode. As Dyanne’s connection to Tedros becomes more evident, viewers must be curious to learn more about who plays Dyanne and whether she and Tedros were romantically involved in ‘The Idol.’ SPOILERS AHEAD!
Blackpink’s Jennie Plays Dyanne
Dyanne is introduced in the first episode of ‘The Idol.’ She is the backup dancer for Jocelyn (Lily-Rose Depp), the story’s protagonist and a pop star trying to reinvigorate her career. In the opening episode, Dyanne is practicing with the background dancers for the upcoming shoot of Jocelyn’s music video. Dyanne essentially acts as a stand-in for Jocelyn during the initial practice sessions, foreshadowing her character’s turn later in the season. In the second episode, Dyanne is forced to step in for Jocelyn when the latter has a breakdown. Nikki Katz, the record label executive who collaborates with Jocelyn, sees potential in Dyanne and offers her a record deal in the fourth episode.
In the series, South Korean singer Jennie Kim plays the role of Dyanne, and she is one of the many real-life singers who appear in ‘The Idol.’ Popularly known as Jennie, the singer/rapper was born in South Korea but spent the initial portion of her life in New Zealand. She later returned to South Korea, where she signed for YG Entertainment. Jennie made her music debut in 2016 as a part of the girl group Blackpink. Jennie gained popularity through her work with Blackpink before branching out into a solo career. She released her debut solo album in 2018, titled ‘Solo.’ Jennie makes her screen acting debut with ‘The Idol,’ credited under her stage name Jennie Ruby Jane. She serves as a recurring cast member for the show’s first season. Despite the show’s negative critical reception, Jennie’s performance has been singled out as a bright spot.
Dyanne and Tedros’s Past
As the narrative progresses, viewers learn very little about Dyanne aside from the fact that she aspires to become a pop star herself. Her story mostly unfolds independently from Jocelyn’s except for one very important intersection, which is first hinted at during the second episode. In the episode, it is revealed that Dyanne is a member of Tedros’ cult. She tells him about Nikki’s interest in offering her a record deal, which Tedros sees as a return on his investment in Dyanne. The dynamic between Dyanne and Tedros is later explored in the fourth episode when Chloe reveals that Dyanne had romantic feelings for Tedros before the latter started his tumultuous relationship with Jocelyn, who is a friend of Dyanne. Moreover, Chloe also reveals that Dyanne brought Jocelyn to Tedros’ club on the latter’s orders.
Chloe’s words seemingly indicate that Dyanne and Tedros once carried the torch for each other. She also expresses concern that Dyanne might be mad at Jocelyn for stealing Tedros from her. It seems like the weight of stealing away Tedros weighs on Jocelyn when Dyanne asks for her blessing to use her song “World Class Sinner” as her debut single after Nikki suggested it. As a result, Jocelyn permits her to use the song as she is unwilling to stand between Dyanne and the opportunity to start her career. The revelation Chloe drops moments before Dyanne takes Jocelyn’s permission seems to be a carefully concocted manipulation designed to draw a certain reaction from Jocelyn. However, seeing how Tedros treats Jocelyn, it is likely that Dyanne was his pet project before he found himself in Jocelyn’s inner circle. Nonetheless, there is no evidence to suggest that Dyanne and Tedros previously shared a romantic relationship.
Read More: The Idol: Is Troye Sivan’s Xander Gay? Is Xander Lying About Jocelyn?
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