Netflix’s ‘The Law of the Jungle‘ is an exciting survival reality show that brings together 12 contestants expected to survive in the jungle with limited resources. While surviving is a challenge in itself, the contestants are divided into two groups, who compete against each other in various activities. Besides, occasional purges decide who gets eliminated, yet the show allows each contestant to betray their team for additional monetary rewards. Season 1 of ‘The Law in the Jungle’ introduced us to several exciting contestants, including multimedia artist Adrian Andres, businessman John Guts, and Gymnast Gina Torres. Thus, with the season now behind us, let’s find out where the cast is nowadays, shall we?
Sandy Padilla is Training in Mexico City
Sandy was quite enthusiastic about the opportunity to appear on the show. Yet, her run was short-lived, as she was the first to be eliminated after her group lost the purge challenge. Sandy is based in Mexico City, Mexico, earning a living as a Fitness Trainer. Besides being employed by the fitness studio Fever Club as a master trainer, she works as a Brand Manager for the same organization. Moreover, we are happy to report that the reality star is a proud mother of two and has built a happy life with her loved ones.
Fabian Camberos is Venturing into the Food Business
Fabian had a promising run on the survival reality show and claimed he wanted to live a dream life with the prize money. Yet, he became the second contestant to be eliminated from the competition. Once filming wrapped, Fabian returned to his everyday life and embraced privacy. To this day, he prefers to keep his personal life under wraps, although we know he currently earns a living as a Food Vendor.
Cesar Morales is an Avid Traveller Now
Cesar had an interesting strategy in place, as he was pretty wary of letting others know about his profession. In fact, he was even ready to lie about being a Model in real life. Nevertheless, Cesar, the third contestant to be eliminated, currently resides in Mexico, where he earns a living as a Polygraphist. Furthermore, from the looks of it, he is an experienced Pilot and an avid traveler.
Zoe Joffre is Advocating and Coordinating for Change
Zeo Joffre appeared quite confident about her chances of survival in the wilderness. She also knew that her co-contestants had to depend on teamwork to progress. However, as fate would have it, Zoe’s team lost a purge challenge, and she was voted to be eliminated, making her the fourth contestant to leave the show. While she currently earns a living as an Actress and Model, she is also the Fundraising Coordinator for the NGO It Gets Better Mexico. The former Psychology Student is responsible for establishing her organization Somos Humanos AC and is happily married to Omar Hazael.
John Guts is Entertaining and Singing on MTVLA
Initially, John Guts appeared quite friendly and even built a strong connection with Layla Neri. Although, as the season progressed, people realized that he was only interested in money and had no qualms about betraying his team for additional rewards. Hence, most of the remaining contestants were happy when John became the fifth person to be eliminated from the show. While he introduced himself as a Businessman on the show, he is associated with MTVLA and is a popular TV star. Other than that, he is an aspiring singer with several original singles to his name.
Layla Neri is Studying and Aspiring to Teach
Layla claimed to be from the hood on the show and insisted she would do anything to secure victory. In addition, she was looking forward to helping her family with the prize money. Unfortunately, luck was not on her side, as she became the sixth person to be eliminated from the show. Layla has a pretty decent fan following on Instagram and appears to be a rap and hip-hop enthusiast. Although it is unclear if she is involved in a full-time profession, we know that she is a Student of Mexican History who aspires to be a Teacher in the future.
Paola Michelle is Teaching Twerk and Advocating for Rights
Paola Michelle was friendly from the beginning and revealed that her nickname was “Polilla,” or Moth in Spanish. She even went on to form great connections with a few of her co-contestants but became the seventh contestant to be eliminated from the show. At present, Paola describes herself as a vegan and an anti-speciesist feminist. Additionally, she is a vocal advocate for human rights and earns a living as a Twerk Teacher.
Josué Villanueva is Performing and Crafting in Guadalajara
One of the five finalists, Josué, and his co-contestants, voted they should take on the final task as a team. He encouraged proper teamwork throughout the competition and was against betraying his group for extra rewards. Eventually, Josué was crowned one of the winners of season 1. Currently, he is based out of Guadalajara, Mexico, and earns a living as a Circus Artist and a Parkour Athlete. Apart from that, he is into Woodworking and owns a small carpentry workshop. Josué is open to sharing his stunts and creations on social media, and we wish him the best for the years ahead.
Gina Torres is Cycling and Gymnastics in Guadalajara
From the beginning, Gina proved a worthy team member, never hesitating to give her all. She even denied the offer of sabotaging her group in exchange for monetary rewards and was a part of the five finalists who were all deemed winners. Currently, Gina resides in Guadalajara, Mexico, and shares a warm bond with her loved ones, especially her sister, Priscila Torres Tovar. She earns a living as a Cyclist and Gymnast and is currently managed by Mia Fitness and Mediatility. On top of it, Gina is a fitness enthusiast and an avid traveler; we wish her the best for the years to come.
Adrian Andres is Creating and Advocating in Mexico City
Initially, Adrian appeared quite taken by the idea of betraying one’s team to earn monetary rewards. In fact, he went so far as to lose deliberately to sabotage his team’s performance, which made him a villain in his co-contestants eyes. Nevertheless, with time, Adrian realized the value of teamwork and agreed to face the final task with the other finalists, who were all crowned winners.
Adrian is based in Mexico City, Mexico, and earns a living as a Multimedia Artist. He is also a vocal advocate for human rights and LGBTQ+ issues and is part of La Biblia Drag, a multidisciplinary creative agency. Additionally, Adrian hosts the popular podcast ‘La Manzana de Adrián,’ which is produced by Escándala!
Bruce Santillan is Performing and Modeling in Baja California
From the beginning, Bruce was pretty dedicated to his team and was against betraying them for additional rewards. Yet, he was worried about his limited puzzle-solving ability and compensated for it with his physicality and strength. As a result, Bruce became a valuable team member and was crowned one of the winners in the end. Currently, he is based out of Guadalajara, Baja, California, Mexico, and is a member of the musical group Wapayasos y Horripicosos. Moreover, he does Modeling on the side and is a professionally trained Taekwondo Artist. Besides, Bruce appears to be a fitness enthusiast; we hope he finds success in his future endeavors.
Leslie Gallardo is Modeling and Influencing Across Borders
From the start, Leslie was a promising contestant and was always ready to sacrifice for her team. She was pretty vocal about tackling the final challenge as a team, which helped all five finalists become winners. Leslie is a rather sought-after talent in the Modeling Industry, and she divides her time between Mexico and Cuba. While affiliated with the talent management group, ServicioDeAgencia, fans will recognize her from her appearance on ‘Acapulco Shore’ and the 2018 5th Annual MTV Millennial Awards, where she worked as a pink carpet host. On top of it, Leslie is a pretty successful Social Media Influencer.
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