Directed by Josephine Decker, Apple TV+’s teen film ‘The Sky is Everywhere’ revolves around the life of Lennie Walker, who deals with the untimely death of her sister Bailey Walker. An exploration of love and grief, the romantic film progresses through Lennie’s attempts to build a relationship with Joe while coping with the absence of Bailey. Starring Grace Kaufman as Lennie, Jacques Colimon as Joe, and Havana Rose Liu as Bailey, the film ends with stunning turnarounds in Lennie’s complex life. Inspired by the beauty of the film’s ending, we have taken a detailed look at the same. Let us share our thoughts! SPOILERS AHEAD.
The Sky is Everywhere Plot Synopsis
‘The Sky is Everywhere’ begins with Lennie reminiscing about the death of her elder sister Bailey, who died due to a fatal arrhythmia. Bailey’s death drains joy and happiness from Lennie’s life, as the younger sister finds herself stuck in the memories of her elder sister, only to suffer from loneliness. Lennie fails to continue her clarinet practice and she starts to share her grief with Toby, Bailey’s boyfriend. Lennie and Toby’s companionship grow into intimacy as the latter starts to find his deceased girlfriend in her younger sister. Lennie, meanwhile, struck a connection with Joe.
Joe reintroduces music to Lennie’s life. He forces her to try playing clarinet again and he partially succeeds. Lennie’s newly formed attachment with Joe hurts Toby, who continues to visit the Walkers to see Lennie. He confesses to Lennie that he and Bailey were secretly engaged and also reveals that Bailey was pregnant when she died. The revelations hit Lennie hard, who seeks comfort in Toby with a kiss, only for Joe to witness it. He breaks up with Lennie and avoids her without even giving her a chance to explain.
The Sky is Everywhere Ending: Do Lennie and Joe End Up Together?
Yes, Lennie and Joe end up together. Joe arrives in Lennie’s life when the latter struggles with the grief of Bailey’s death and the guilt of being intimate with her sister’s boyfriend. As she succumbs to the enigmas of her emotions, Joe enters into her life and simplifies it. He makes her listen to Bach and revives the love of music in her again after the death of Bailey. His efforts influence Lennie to pick up the clarinet again to play. However, Toby’s presence in Lennie’s life and their intimacy hurts Joe and he breaks up with her.
Since Joe suffers from PTSD that is connected to his ex-girlfriend — who cheated on him with his friend — he gets rattled when he sees Lennie kissing Toby. His trauma comes back to him and stops him from listening to Lennie’s explanations. His fear of hurt shuts him down from Lennie and her reasons. Lennie, on the other hand, misses Joe severely. She tries her best to explain her position and emotions to express that she hasn’t done anything intentionally to hurt him. However, Joe’s trauma and fear of being hurt stop her from communicating it properly.
Still, Lennie continues to be persistent. She does not take no for an answer from Joe and continues to see him. Her persistence ultimately succeeds in easing Joe’s hurt. As he looks at the numerous notes and writings by Lennie — which he collected on various occasions without knowing they are Lennie’s — he understands that the universe is signaling that Lennie is the one. His belief that the universe is capable of guiding him ultimately convinces him that the random writings he collected were actually guiding him to Lennie. The realization leads him to reunite with Lennie, setting his worries and temporary hurt aside for the love of his life.
As Lennie believes wholeheartedly, the writings and notes Joe encountered can be Bailey’s way of uniting her younger sister with a boy she deserves from heaven. Those random paper scraps guide him to the world of Lennie, which fascinates him and creates sparks of love in him. Joe sees those writings as a testament to his inevitable union with Lennie. He musters the courage to overcome the trauma of being abandoned and his fears of getting hurt to rush to Lennie. He jumps into the air balloon and floats with the love of his life, just like they always dreamt while they listened to Bach. Joe gives a second chance not only to Lennie but also to himself to mend his hurt and revive his feelings towards Lennie. He sets his past aside to immerse in the beautiful world of Lennie, to share and nurture love once again.
Read More: Where Was The Sky is Everywhere Filmed?
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