Lifetime’s Trapped in the Rocky Mountains: Filming Locations and Cast

Helmed by Patricia Frontain, ‘Trapped in the Rocky Mountains’ transports us to a remote, vacant ski lodge deep within the rugged Rocky Mountains. The story revolves around a group of former college friends who receive an invitation to the seemingly idyllic lodge and find themselves unexpectedly reunited. What was meant to be a weekend of reconnecting soon turns into a nightmare when they find themselves stalked by an unseen enemy. It is only through hidden truths of their pasts that the friends hope to uncover their adversary’s motive and identity. The Lifetime thriller’s setting plays a crucial role in amplifying the suspense and isolation experienced by the characters as they are cut off from the outside world.

Where Was Trapped in the Rocky Mountains Filmed?

Filming for ‘Trapped in the Rocky Mountains’ took place on location in Bozeman, Montana. Principal photography began in early April 2024 and was wrapped up by the end of the month. The cast and crew seemed to really enjoy their destination shoot, joking around and admiring the scenic locations. “Coming to a close on what’s felt like a 3 week acting intensive in the mountains. 12 hour days, 12 shoot days, crying and laughing and playing with an incredible cast, crew, and director,” wrote actor Dan Hwang on Instagram in April 2024. “Humbled to have been a part of and grateful that I could be a sponge and learn from every single one of you. Will remember this forever.”

Bozeman, Montana

The seat of Gallatin County, Bozeman is a city nestled in the Rock Mountains of southern Montana. The cast and crew actually ventured to a cabin in the snow-capped mountains and shot the entire film on location. Situated near the Bridger and Gallatin mountain ranges, the peaks to the north and south of the city make for great skiing locations, and there are even trails for hiking and biking. The varied natural landscapes offered the perfect backdrop to the crew with rugged, snow-covered peaks, dense pine forests, and sweeping valleys that can evoke a sense of isolation and danger crucial for a suspenseful narrative. The mountains and their rocky slopes can seen throughout the film, adding character to its sequences. As the friends head further up, we are treated to views of the surrounding peaks, rocky ridges, and alpine expanses.

Bozeman’s versatility as a location allows filmmakers to capture both the beauty and the harshness of the Rocky Mountains. The region’s extreme weather conditions and remote areas can add realism to scenes where characters must battle the elements, deepening the stakes as they fight to survive. With its accessibility as well as remote natural locations in the vicinity, the city has seen its fair share of filmmakers setting up shop within it. Other movies and shows shot in Bozeman include ‘Yellowstone,’ ‘Shattered,’ ‘Unsolved Mysteries,’ ‘Far and Away,’ and ‘Mending the Line.’

Trapped in the Rocky Mountains Cast

‘Trapped in the Rocky Mountains’ features an ensemble cast starring Aubrey Reynolds, Nick Puya, Gina Su, Steven Anthony Washington, Flavia Watson, Dan Hwang, and Nikki Leigh. Aubrey Reynolds is a Dallas-born actress who has recently appeared in ‘Sorry, Ari’ as Trish, ‘Santa, Maybe’ as Lila Ramsey, and ‘Falling for a Killer’ as Brea. Nick Puya is an experienced actor who can be seen in ‘Flamingo Heist,’ ‘The Wreck of Echo 10-4,’ and ‘Gym Shorts.’ Steven Anthony Washington is a former pro football player who has worked on ‘Black Mafia Family,’ Hulu’s ‘The Resident,’ and BET’s ‘Ms. Pat show.’ Gina Su has garnered attention for her performances in ‘The Bold and the Beautiful,’ ‘Autopilot,’ and ‘The Fabulous.’ She is also slated to star in Jennifer Zhang’s upcoming sci-fi film, ‘Trüebadour.’

Dan Hwang is an actor of South Korean origin who has made appearances in ‘I Wish It Were You,’ ‘Blackmail, Lies and Murder,’ and ‘The Master Chief: Part One.’ Flavia Watson is an actress and singer of South American and Italian origin who has recently starred in ‘Jarno ja minä’ as Isabelle De Tomaso and ‘Lonesome Soldier’ as Marisa. Some of her songs were also featured in the Lifetime movie. Nikki Leigh is a seasoned actress you may have seen in ‘Agent Recon’ as Captain Lila Rupert, ‘Butch vs. Sundance’ as Etta Place, and ‘Open Marriage’ as Becca.

Read More: Lifetime’s Tempted by Love: Filming Locations and Cast