The filming of ‘Violent Night 2,’ a sequel to the 2022 Christmas action comedy ‘Violent Night,’ is set to commence in Winnipeg, Manitoba, in late 2024. After directing the first movie, Tommy Wirkola is helming the sequel as well, with Pat Casey and Josh Miller on board as the screenwriters. David Harbour will be reprising his character Santa Claus in the project.
‘Violent Night’ unfolds in Greenwich, Connecticut, during a Christmas gathering at Jason Lightstone’s mother Gertrude’s mansion, attended by Jason, his estranged wife Linda, and their daughter Trudy, along with other family members. The festive atmosphere is shattered when a group of mercenaries infiltrates the mansion posing as caterers and takes the family hostage. As chaos ensues, Santa Claus himself arrives to save the day, engaging in a high-stakes battle against the mercenaries, led by the menacing ‘Mr. Scrooge,’ to rescue Trudy and her family. The film culminates in a showdown between Santa and Scrooge, leading to a heartwarming resolution that reaffirms the magic of Christmas.
Although specific plot details of the sequel are being kept under wraps, Wirkola has hinted at a desire to delve deeper into the Santa mythology for the sequel. “There’s stuff we left on the floor like the North Pole, Mrs. Claus, the elves. But story-wise I think we have a really, really cool idea that expands on the world and scope, but still keeping that tone that we love from the first one,” the filmmaker told TheWrap.
Apart from Harbour, it is yet to be announced who will be a part of the cast of the upcoming sequel. Harbour has hinted at potential additions, saying, “We gotta get Pedro [Pascal] and Oscar [Isaac] to play the Easter Bunny and the Tooth Fairy in the next iteration: the Santa cinematic universe with a bunch of ‘daddies’ as imaginary creatures.”
Winnipeg also hosted the shooting of the 2022 original film. The region is a significant filming location for productions such as ‘Ordinary Angels‘ and ‘Dark Harvest.’
Read More: Violent Night Ending, Explained: How Does Santa Come Back To Life?
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