The eighth season of AMC’s post-apocalyptic series ‘Fear the Walking Dead’ revolves around PADRE, the safe place Alicia Clark and her friends have been trying to find in the seventh round. PADRE turns out to be an authoritarian state which follows the orders of the eponymous supreme leader, who aspires to build a new civilization with children who don’t question his authority. As the season progresses, one of the notable absentees is Sarah Rabinowitz. Even when we get to see June, Dwight, and Sherry in the second episode of the season, Sarah is not among them. SPOILERS AHEAD.
A Tale of Divided Loyalties: Sarah’s Choice
The seventh season of the show follows the confrontations between Alicia Clark and Victor Strand, who have contrasting views about the future of the remnants of the apocalypse. Their allies and friends get divided among the two groups, leading Sarah to join Alicia and Morgan’s group while his brother Wendell ends up at Victor’s Tower. Alicia eventually convinces Victor that they cannot remain in the region since the radiation and the growing threat of walkers are killing them. When Victor nearly loses his life, he realizes that Alicia is right about their future. By then, the residents of Victor’s Tower have joined Alicia’s allies to search for a safe place. Wendell reunites with Sarah and they, together, leave in search of PADRE.
Meanwhile, Morgan’s daughter Mo gets abducted by PADRE. To retrieve her, Morgan goes to PADRE with Madison Clark and reveals the location of his allies, which includes Sarah. The eighth season reveals that PADRE has captured Morgan’s friends, who must include Sarah as well. Since they become workers for PADRE, Sarah may have gotten employed in the community. Since she won’t abandon Wendell, who may not be able to run away from the region in a wheelchair, Sarah must have settled at PADRE without no other option in front of her. But why doesn’t she feature in the eighth season? Did Mo Collins leave the post-apocalyptic drama? Let’s find out.
Mo Collins’ Departure from Fear the Walking Dead
Although neither AMC nor Mo Collins formally announced the departure of the actress from ‘Fear the Walking Dead,’ Collins apparently parted ways with the series ahead of the eighth season. The actress’ name is not included in the title credits of the eighth season, which indicates that Collins is not a part of the series. In addition, a fan account in May 2023, in a since-deleted tweet, shared a rumor that Collins was fired from the series. The actress responded to the same by sharing, “Not the word choice I would use,” which makes it clear that Collins wasn’t fired from the series but she departed from the same nonetheless.
Collins must have left the series because of the limited scope for her character Sarah in the eighth season. The final installment of the series is expected to focus on PADRE and the efforts of Morgan, Madison, and possibly Victor to bring the authoritarian regime down. They may have the help of June, Dwight, Sherry, Grace, Daniel, and Luciana, which leaves Sarah with minimal importance. Since the character’s story arc always revolves around Wendell, it will not be a surprise if we don’t get to see the brother and sister again. Furthermore, we may see the writers killing Sarah off to portray the severity of PADRE’s potency. Considering these factors, we believe that Collins will not continue featuring in ‘Fear the Walking Dead.’
After her final appearance in the post-apocalyptic drama, Collins appears in ‘Not Dead Yet’ and ‘Grey’s Anatomy’ in guest capacities. We can expect her to deliver more remarkable performances in the future.
Read More: Why Does Madison Need Oxygen in Fear the Walking Dead?
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