The fourteenth episode of ABC’s police procedural show ‘The Rookie’ season 5 follows Tim Bradford’s first on-field mission with the Metro department. After a series of training sessions, Tim impresses his colleagues and leads them to find a kidnapped woman. Tim and his Metro team are accompanied by Detective Angela Lopez. When one of his colleagues raises a suspicion concerning Lopez’s capabilities to be a part of a Metro assignment, Tim makes it clear that “la Adelita” is the best person for the job. Since Lopez’s nickname stuns the Metro officer, one must be wondering about the meaning of the same. Well, here’s everything you need to know about it! SPOILERS AHEAD.
La Adelita: Emblem of Feminine Valor in the Mexican Revolution
La Adelita particularly refers to the group of women who fought for the revolutionary cause, against the federal government forces, during the Mexican Revolution in the first half of the twentieth century. As per sources, the term was originally used to refer to a particular woman who joined the Maderistas, the group that fought against the federal army from the start of the revolution under the leadership of Francisco I. Madero. The woman became a popular icon and the representative of the soldaderas, the female soldiers who took part in the revolution.
After the Mexican Revolution, la Adalieta became the quintessential woman warrior figure, who symbolizes the strength of women. The term is also used to refer to any woman who resiliently stands up for herself to protect her rights. The term’s relevancy is most evident in patriarchal or male-dominated societies where women’s authority and strength aren’t acknowledged. In ‘The Rookie,’ Angela Lopez is nicknamed la Adelita because she is a warrior in every sense of the word, who doesn’t shy away from the challenges and obstacles that come her way.
Lopez was born into a household filled with men that include her multiple brothers. She always had to stand up for herself and her rights. If her household can be seen as a battlefield, Lopez was more or less a soldier who tried to fulfill her ambitions and dreams fearlessly. In addition, Lopez is one of the toughest and bravest LAPD detectives on the field. Her courage and commitment to her profession are a part of the cases of several criminals, solved by Lopez.
Tim must be calling Lopez la Adelita after witnessing her bravery first-hand. When a mafia boss named Sandra de La Cruz aka la Fiera interferes with her personal life, the detective fights her back. Lopez even eventually kills the mafia boss despite the latter’s authority and potency. Tim may want la Adelita on his team because he knows that she is capable of dealing with any sort of threats or challenges.
Read More: Who is Monica in The Rookie? Who Plays Her?
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