MTV’s ‘Teen Mom 2′ is a reality series that premiered on January 11, 2011, with a central premise that follows the lives of four ’16 and Pregnant’ moms as they navigate their initial years of motherhood. It focuses on the four girls as they become women and try to deal with the myriad of responsibilities that come with raising a child on their own. Changing relationships, completing their education, finances, living situations, and family support (or the lack thereof) are all important aspects here. Now that almost ten seasons have gone by, and some of the cast members have changed, let’s take a look at what the initial four participants are currently up to, shall we?
Jenelle Eason/Evans
Jenelle was originally featured on MTV’s ’16 and Pregnant,’ where she gave birth to her son, Jace Vahn Evans, in 2009, fathered by her ex-boyfriend Charles Andrew Lewis. Soon after, she joined ‘Teen Moms 2,’ where we saw her marry and then quickly separate from Courtland Rogers. Jenelle gave birth to her second son, Kaiser Orion Griffith, in 2014, with her now ex-fiancé, Nathan Griffith. Then, she tied the knot with David Eason, with whom she has a daughter, Ensley, who was born in January 2017.
In 2019, after ten years with the network, Jenelle was fired as it came to light that her husband David had shot and killed their pet dog in their own home. This news even made her temporarily lose custody of all her children, which subsequently prompted her to file for divorce, which she did, in October 2019. However, in March 2020, Jenelle took to her now very active YouTube channel to reveal that she had a change of heart and that she and David are back together. YouTube seems like her source of income, as of now.
Chelsea DeBoer/Houska
Chelsea DeBoer announced her departure from ‘Teen Mom 2’ in November 2020. But let’s start at the very beginning for her. She had to quit school and give up softball as she went into labor on the very first day of her senior year, giving birth to her daughter, Aubree Skye, whom she welcomed with her then-boyfriend Adam Lind. Adam was reportedly arrested in 2017 for domestic assault and tested positive for meth, but thankfully, it didn’t make much of a difference to Chelsea as she and Adam had long since been over.
Instead, Chelsea found love with Cole DeBoer, whom she met by chance at a gas station in 2014 and married in October 2016. On January 25, 2017, they welcomed their first child, a son named Weston, and their second, Layne, was born in 2018. Most recently, though, in August 2020, the couple announced that they were expecting their third baby together, another daughter! Therefore, currently, Chelsea and Cole are busy building their dream farmhouse in South Dakota, from where she will soon launch her very own home-goods company, Aubree Says.
Kailyn Lowry
Kailyn Lowry first became known to us when she was just 17 and carrying her first-born son, Isaac Elliott Rivera, whom she welcomed with her then-boyfriend Jonathan “Jo” Rivera on January 18, 2010. Along the way on ‘Teen Mom 2,’ she gave birth to three more sons, fathered by two different men. In 2013, Lincoln Marshall Marroquin was born, whom Kailyn shares with her now ex-husband, Javi Marroquin. And in 2017 and 2020, respectively, she welcomed Lux Russell Lowry and Romello Creed Lowry into the world with her now ex, Chris Lopez.
Currently, as a single mother who has received a Bachelor’s degree in Mass Communications from Delaware State University, Kailyn is hustling as much as she can. She has penned a total of 4 books until now and has even launched her own company, Pothead Haircare, which provides CBD oil-infused hair care products for all hair types. As if all this isn’t enough, she has two podcasts as well; ‘Coffee Convos,’ which she co-hosts with fellow reality TV star Lindsie Chrisley, and ‘Baby Mamas No Drama,’ which she co-hosts with Vee Rivera.
Leah Messer
Back when we were first introduced to Leah Messer, she was a high school cheerleader pregnant with twin girls, Aliannah and Aleeah, whom she welcomed in 2009 with her new boyfriend at the time, Corey Simms. The couple got married in 2010, but after Leah admitted to being unfaithful, they quickly divorced in 2011. Later that same year, Leah fell in love with Jeremy Calvert, with whom she welcomed another daughter, Adalynn, in 2013. They were married in 2012, but Jeremy filed for divorce in 2015. Although, he did ask his ex-wife out again in season 9.
Leah shut down all kinds of rumors in season 10, though, when she told Adalynn that she was “not getting married” to her dad again. Then, when Adalynn implied that Jeremy already had a ring picked out for her, Leah added, “I don’t care what kind of ring he gets — he better give it to somebody else. He better be giving it to your [future] stepmom.” She continued this in the confessional, saying that they “probably won’t ever get back together.” For Leah, her kids are her top priority, and she even made it clear in her 2020 memoir ‘Hope, Grace & Faith.’
Read More: Is Teen Mom Real or Scripted?
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