Created by Jimmy Donaldson (popularly known as MrBeast), Tyler Conklin, Sean Klitzner, and Mack Hopkins, Amazon Prime’s ‘Beast Games’ is a reality competition show consisting of more than 1,000 contestants, making it the largest cast for a reality series. Hosted by MrBeast himself, the contestants must compete in a series of physical challenges or stunts in order to get a chance to take home the grand cash prize of $5 million, beating the record set by ‘Squid Game: The Challenge‘ and becoming the show with the largest prize money in the history of reality television.
Beast Games Season 1 Filming Locations
‘Beast Games’ season 1 was filmed in Nevada, Ontario, and the Republic of Panama, particularly in Las Vegas, Toronto, and Pearl Islands. The first round of the inaugural iteration was reportedly shot over the course of about five days, from July 18 to July 22, 2024, while the second round was lensed in August of the same year. Many cast and crew members expressed the management was disappointing, with some claiming their medications were mishandled and misplaced, leading to participants allegedly going through diabetic shock, seizures, and even hospitalizations. Other kinds of issues were also likely prominent throughout the shooting of the debut season. For instance, there were reports of displacement of luggage and personal belongings, poor organization and management, and contestants physically assaulting one another.
Las Vegas, Nevada
The first round of the production for ‘Beast Games’ season 1 took place in Las Vegas, also known as Sin City, the seat of Nevada’s Clark County. In order to host the game show that involves thousands of contestants and incorporate them, the production team made the most of the facilities of the Allegiant Stadium at 3333 Al Davis Way in Las Vegas, Nevada. The multi-purpose stadium consists of state-of-the-art technology, more than ten event spaces, and an iconic backdrop for large private or commercial events, making it an ideal destination for shooting ‘Beast Games.’ However, the shooting in Las Vegas went far from perfect, as the cast and crew complained of facing many management issues, as mentioned above.
Toronto, Ontario
After wrapping up the shooting for the first round, the filming unit moved to Toronto, the capital of the province of Ontario. Located at 40 Carl Hall Road in North York, Ontario, the Downsview Park Film and Television Studios hosted the production of a large portion of ‘Beast Games.’ Consisting of about nine sound stages spread across over 250,000 square feet, workshop space, different kinds of sets, parking space, and many other amenities, the studio provided all the necessary requirements to ‘Beast Games’ in order to ensure a smooth production experience.
In Las Vegas, the participants complained of horrible management experience. However, several contestants who were a part of both the filming locations admitted that the shooting in Toronto went smoother as the management seemed to have supposedly learned from their mistakes.
Pearl Islands, Panama
With the Pearl Islands in Panama being a group of over 200 islands as well as islets, many of which are small and uninhabited, it comes as no surprise MrBeast tried making the most out of them. In fact, he actually bought a 60-acre independent island called La Vivienda Island or Isla La Vivienda (Beast Island on the show), about 30 miles south of the mainland, to have as a prize. One lucky contestant indeed won this uninhabited, beautiful $1.8 million island following a series of challenges on it, so of course, it served as a significant filming location, especially throughout episode 5. As if that’s not enough, even a couple of nearby islands served as a production spot for this Netflix original, making the visuals extraordinarily pleasing and relaxing to the eye despite the intense games going on.
Read More: Best Game Shows on Netflix
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