A sequel to the 2018 movie ‘Believer’ helmed by Lee Hae-young, Netflix’s ‘Believer 2’ is a South Korean crime action film that centers upon a determined and skillful detective named Jo Won-ho who leads the investigation of the search for “Rak,” who seems to have vanished after Brian Lee’s incarceration. Continuing to dig deep into Asia’s largest drug organization, searching for some answers, he comes face to face with the drug cartel’s dangerous boss, Big Knife.
Directed by Jong-Yeol Baek, the thriller drama movie features impressive onscreen performances from a group of talented South Korean actors, including Cho Jin-woong, Cha Seung-won, Han Hyo-joo, Oh Seung-hoon, Kim Dong-young, and Lee Joo-young. Since the globe-trotting high-octane tale unfolds in a variety of landscapes, the viewers can’t help but raise questions about the actual shooting locations of ‘Believer 2.’
Where Was Believer 2 Filmed?
‘Believer 2’ was filmed in South Korea, Thailand, and Norway, especially in Seoul, Bangkok, Krabi, and Oslo. As per reports, principal photography for the sequel got underway in July 2022 and continued through the following four months or so, before getting wrapped up in November of the same year. So, let’s get to know all about the specific locations that feature in the Netflix production!
Seoul, South Korea
Several pivotal sequences for ‘Believer 2’ were lensed in and around Seoul AKA Seoul Special City, the capital of South Korea situated in the northwest portion of the nation. Reports suggest that the cast and crew members took over the Yongsan Station at Hangang-daero 23-gil in Yongsan-gu, Seoul to tape some key action-packed scenes for the film. Various interiors of the station are likely to be featured as the production team supposedly utilized numerous areas in and around the Yongsan Station. Besides that, numerous streets and neighborhoods were turned into film sets for the production of the sequel.
For shooting purposes, the filming unit of ‘Believer 2’ traveled to Bangkok, the capital of Thailand located in the Chao Phraya River delta in the country’s central plain. Bangkok’s blend of modern and cultural architecture is likely to make an appearance in the backdrop of some scenes, including Wat Benchamabophit Dusitvanaram, the Grand Palace, the Giant Swing, and the Democracy Monument. From the looks of it, a few scenes were also taped in the town of Krabi as the director and his team were spotted around Sea Seeker Krabi Resort at 963 Ao Nang, Mueang Krabi District in Krabi.
Oslo, Norway
The capital of Norway, Oslo, also served as one of the prominent production locations for ‘Believer 2.’ Lying at the northernmost end of the Oslofjord, Oslo has hosted the production of a number of film and TV projects over the years. Some of the notable ones include ‘Headhunters,’ ‘In Order of Disappearance,’ ‘The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo,’ and ‘Dopskoni.’
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