Directed by Jaume Collet-Serra, ‘Carry-On‘ tells the story of young TSA officer Ethan Kopek as he is blackmailed into delivering a deadly package for a mysterious traveler on a Christmas Eve flight. Set in the Los Angeles International Airport, the intense action-thriller delves into a gripping narrative brimming with claustrophobia and urgency as Ethan races against time to save lives while attempting to outwit the sinister traveler. Despite the heightened drama and pulse-pounding set-ups littering the Netflix movie, it finds its grounding through a detailed environment and a bustling airport setting that only increases the sense of tension with every passing second. As such, the high-wire premise is intricately captured through an equally riveting backdrop.
Carry-On Filming Locations
Although the Los Angeles airport plays a pivotal role in the narrative, ‘Carry-On’ was predominantly filmed in New Orleans, Louisiana, while some scenes were also recorded in the neighborhoods of Cleveland, Ohio. Principal photography for the project began on October 18, 2022, and was concluded by December 16 of the same year. Both cities share a geographical common footing due to their proximity to water bodies. However, they also added a sense of history, architecture, culture, and vibrancy to match the eclectic range of emotions at play throughout the narrative. Greater emphasis was placed on capturing the urban landscapes provided by the two regions, especially as they formed the backgrounds of numerous scenes across the film.
New Orleans, Louisiana
Filming for ‘Carry-On’ primarily took place in the boroughs of New Orleans, Louisiana, a city that has a rich cultural heritage, mainly through its French and African roots. The production team set up shop at the Louis Armstrong New Orleans International Airport at 1 Terminal Drive, Kenner, using it as a stand-in for the LAX. According to Jaume Collet-Serra, the crew were lucky to find a retired section of the airport that they were able to use as their filming headquarters. In an interview with Netflix, he said, “We took over the old MSY (Louis Armstrong New Orleans International Airport) in New Orleans and redesigned/decorated it to look like LAX. It was such a thrill to have the whole space at our disposal and be able to explore all these areas of an airport that we don’t normally get to see as passengers.”
While the real-life environment brought a greater degree of authenticity to the production, it also gave birth to other challenges. The director explained that because of the confined environment, there was limited space for the actors and the film crew to move and maneuver. However, it aids in building a sense of tightness and overbearing pressure that only elevates the stress on the characters and the dilemmas they come across throughout the narrative. In some ways, it also creates a boundary between the outside world and the events taking place inside the airport, making the whole thing feel like it exists within a separate bubble. It may have been a by-product of other factors, but it ultimately plays a massive role in seeding paranoia and dread at every turn.
Cleveland, Ohio
Although New Orleans contributed significantly during filming, some scenes were also shot in the city of Cleveland, Ohio. Situated on the southern shore of Lake Erie, the city is known for its diverse neighborhoods and its urban diaspora. It hosts a number of cultural landmarks and attractions like the Cleveland Museum of Art, Rock & Roll Hall of Fame, and the West Side Market. The production crew likely utilized the city’s dense skyline and rich architecture to represent Los Angeles’ environment and the airport’s surrounding areas. In the past, the city has hosted productions on films and shows like ‘Alex Cross,’ ‘Traffic,’ ‘The Fate of the Furious,‘ ‘Judas and the Black Messiah,‘ and ‘My Friend Dahmer.’
Read More: Netflix’s Carry-On: What’s in the Bag?
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