‘Dig Deeper: The Disappearance of Birgit Meier’ is a four-part documentary series that explores the baffling case of a Lüneburg native, who vanished from her home on August 14, 1989, never to be seen alive again. At the age of 41, Birgit was going through a separation after around two decades of marriage, so her life was a little complicated and erratic, especially with her alcohol abuse. However, no one close to her believed that she merely fled or harmed herself because she had a daughter she loved more than anything else. So here’s everything we know about her.
Who is Birgit Meier’s Daughter?
Yasmine Meier is the one and only daughter of Birgit and Harald Meier. According to the Netflix original, she was conceived out of wedlock and was the main reason her parents tied the knot, meaning that their union was more out of necessity than love. Yasmine admitted that although she didn’t notice it before, she did eventually realize that her parents were more like roommates. Thus, even though their separation broke her heart, it was something she knew she had to deal with. And since she and her mother were incredibly close, she was let in on the conversations.
That’s precisely why they spoke on call at 10 p.m. on August 14, 1989, mere hours after Birgit and Harald had discussed their upcoming divorce proceedings. Yasmine still remembered that her mother seemed perfectly okay, especially as she had promised to call the following morning to talk more. Then, at 00:00, a time ingrained in her mind thanks to the digital clock on her bedtime table, Yasmine awoke with a feeling of dread. Early the next day, she tried to call Birgit, and once that went unanswered, she drove to her home, only to find it empty. However, her car was there, so a panicked Yasmine immediately called her father and her uncle.
Where is Birgit Meier’s Daughter Now?
Like the rest of the family, Yasmine Meier wasn’t particularly impressed with how her mother’s disappearance case was initially handled. Yet, she always kept a small ray of hope alive to keep going — just wanting to see or hear Birgit once again. In her own words, Yasmine suspected everyone at one point in time, including her father, but it seems like that eventually faded out into a simple need for answers. By the end, her one dream was to give her mother a proper burial, which was achieved in November 2017. It was bittersweet because she knew it was the worst possible outcome, but she also felt happy about the closure almost three decades later.
As for where Yasmine is today, unsurprisingly, she stays well away from the spotlight. In other words, we don’t know much about her personal or professional life except for the fact that she still appears to be close with her maternal cousins and the rest of the family. The loss of her mother is something Yasmine can never let go of, but like anyone else who has faced such an ordeal, she’s probably at a stage where she’s simply keeping Birgit’s teachings and memories alive in her heart. As her poem to her mother (included in the documentary) reads, in part, “You are still the most important person to me. I will love you, always and forever.”
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