‘Counting Cars’ is a reality television series that follows Danny Koker AKA “The Count” and his crew of talented mechanics who repair, restore and sell cars and motorcycles for a profit. It is a spin-off of the History Channel show ‘Pawn Stars.’ The series has become popular due to its likable cast, who possess extensive knowledge and passion about all things related to automobiles.
The show covers the crew’s restoration activities in great depth, and fans enjoy the witty banter between the cast members. If you are a fan of the show, you must be wondering where the day-to-day activities of Koker and his staff take place. The filming details of ‘Counting Cars’ should provide you with the answers. Here’s everything you need to know in that regard!
Where is Counting Cars Filmed? Where is Count’s Kustoms Located?
‘Counting Cars’ is primarily set in Las Vegas, Nevada. Danny Koker and his crew are based out of Las Vegas, and the filming of the show takes place on location in the city. The show’s primary setting is Count’s Kustoms, an automobile shop that is owned and operated by Koker. At this shop, the crew puts their hard work on vintage cars and bikes to turn them into spectacular rides.
Count’s Kustoms is located at 2714 South Highland Drive in the heart of Las Vegas. The shop offers a variety of services, from repairs and customizations to exquisite paint jobs. You can also visit the shop’s official website and sign up for a tour of the property. Count’s Tattoo Company, a tattoo parlor owned by Koker and situated at 3700 West Flamingo Road, inside Rio All-Suite Hotel And Casino, also features in some episodes of the show.
Over the course of its lengthy tenure on air, the show has been filmed at various locations in and around Las Vegas. Pioneer Saloon, a historic saloon located at 310 NV-161 in Goodsprings, appears in one episode. It has also served as a filming site for ‘Miss Congeniality 2: Armed and Fabulous’ and ‘Things are Tough All Over,’ among others. Filming of ‘Counting Cars’ often takes place at Count’s Vamp’d Rock Bar & Grill, a motorcycle and hard-rock-themed pub founded by Koker and situated at 6750 Western Sahara Avenue.
Las Vegas Strip, aka The Strip, a piece of land stretching across Las Vegas Boulevard South in Clark County, prominently features on the show. The Strip is one of the most popular parts of Las Vegas and is known for its luxurious resorts and casinos. Exterior shots of the neon-clad Las Vegas skyline are used in almost every episode of ‘Counting Cars.’
Read More: Best Car TV Shows of All Time
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