Created by Jee-woon Kim and based on the namesake webtoon by Hongjacga, ‘Dr. Brain’ is a sci-fi thriller drama series that revolves around Sewon (Sun-kyun Lee), an accomplished brain scientist. Sewon’s life is riddled with tragedies. When he was a child, he saw his mother die in a vehicular accident. As an adult, Sewon seemingly loses his wife and son. He develops a method to sync his brain with the deceased and tries to uncover what happened to his family.
However, Sewon soon realizes that the procedure is incredibly dangerous, and it becomes progressively more challenging for him to discern the memories of the deceased from his own. The psychological thriller is set in South Korea. If you are wondering whether the South Korean series is filmed on location or elsewhere, we got you covered.
Dr. Brain Filming Locations
‘Dr. Brain’ is filmed in various locations in South Korea, presumably including Seoul. Sun-kyun Lee was reportedly roped in to portray the eponymous character in October 2020. By March 2021, production for the inaugural season of the Apple TV+ series had begun. Let’s look at specific locations in detail.
South Korea
A significant number of scenes of the first season of ‘Dr. Brain’ were presumably shot in Seoul as the city is not just the political, financial, and entertainment capital of South Korea but one of the most prominent entertainment hubs in the world. The South Korean entertainment industry has emerged as a global powerhouse and demonstrated that it can compete with those in Japan, China, and even the UK.
Korean dramas have long been popular among the international audience. Following the success of films like ‘Parasite’ and ‘Train to Busan’ and shows like ‘Kingdom’ and ‘Squid Game,’ the industry’s popularity has only increased. Furthermore, South Korea has a distinctive history, culture, and views on politics, faith, and societal issues. The South Korean society is a perfect amalgamation of eastern and western sensibilities, and this is represented in every form of art, including entertainment.
Taking the aforementioned points into account, it is not surprising why a show such as ‘Dr. Brain’ is appreciated by both domestic and international audiences. It has something for everybody. The country’s state-of-the-art infrastructure and highly competent workforce have attracted multiple international productions over the years, including ‘Black Panther’ and ‘Sense8.’
Read More: Best Korean Dramas of All Time
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