Developed by Warwick Thornton for AMC+, the supernatural fantasy drama show ‘Firebite’ spins the vampire hunter trope to churn out something exciting and foreboding. The story follows Tyson and Shanika, two indigenous Australian vampire hunters who chart their way into an otherworldly peril. Their daunting journey entails a battle against the world’s last extant vampire colony. Most of the story is set in a spooky mining town amidst the hostile South Australian Desert, and the dusty environment lends an ominous post-western tone to the series. However, you may seek to identify the locations where the series is filmed. If that is the case, let us be your guide.
Firebite Filming Locations
‘Firebite’ is filmed in its entirety in Australia, especially in the state of South Australia. Filming for the first season commenced in August 2021 and was wrapped up by December 1 of the same year. Let us now take you to the specific locations where the series is filmed!
Adelaide, South Australia
Almost the entirety of the series is filmed in and around Adelaide, the coastal cosmopolis and one of the most iconic cities in the commonwealth. The crew seemingly built much of the magical ambiance of the show in a controlled studio environment. They rented the South Australian Film Corporation’s Adelaide Studios to film most interior and exterior scenes.
Situated in the Glenside suburbs of Adelaide, the studio features two fully equipped soundstages and a 100-seat screening theatre. The studio has been home to global-scale productions such as ‘Mortal Kombat‘ and ‘The Babadook.’ The crew also ventured outside the city to capture scenes in the desert. Additional filming took place in the traditional Country of the Kaurna People of the Adelaide Plains, around 60 kilometers north of Adelaide city.
Coober Pedy, South Australia
Some scenes were filmed in Coober Pedy (Umoona in the local aboriginal dialect), a sparsely populated township on the Stuart Highway in the South Australian Outback. Situated 846 km (526 mi) north of Adelaide, the town presumably stood in for the mining town in the show. Coincidentally, the township is called the opal capital of the world due to its land being rich in minerals and natural resources, especially opal.
The township has the largest opal mining area globally, and most of the gem-quality opal found in the world comes from this small town. The cast and crew also visited Tallaringa Conservation Park, where they filmed scenes on the traditional country of the Antakirinja Matu-Yankunytjatjara people of the Western Desert. The protected area belongs to the Antakirinja people and is situated around 90 kilometers west of the Coober Pedy township.
Read More: Is Firebite on Netflix, HBO Max, Hulu, or Amazon Prime?