A spin-off of the original Japanese show ‘Iron Chef,’ Netflix’s ‘Iron Chef: Brazil’ (originally titled ‘Iron Chef: Brasil’) is a Brazilian cooking competition show. It tests the contestants’ culinary skills and challenges them to prepare original dishes in a limited time to impress the judges. The show follows a similar format to the original series but with a Brazilian taste and perspective. In each episode, the contestants are to prepare a dish using the secret ingredient, which is then evaluated by the judges- Rosa Moraes and Laurent Suaudeau.
The contestant that wins the round gets the chance to compete against the Iron Chefs in the final round. Moreover, the legendary format is made all the more entertaining by two lovely hosts — Fernanda Souza and Andressa Cabral. While you are likely to stay hooked on the series through each episode as the contestants compete against one another to be crowned Iron Legend, you might have a few questions about the filming sites of the cooking show. If that’s the case, we have got you covered!
Iron Chef: Brazil Filming Locations
‘Iron Chef: Brazil’ is filmed entirely in Brazil, as the series title suggests, seemingly in São Paulo. The principal photography for the inaugural iteration of the spin-off cooking show seemingly commenced in December 2021. Situated along the eastern coast of South America, Brazil is the largest country in South America as well as Latin America. Now, lets’ not waste any time and take a look at the specific locations where the contestants cook some delicious Brazilian delicacies.
São Paulo, Brazil
To lens the show’s inaugural iteration, the production unit seemingly set up camp in one of the film studios in São Paulo, Brazil’s most populous city. In particular, the cast and crew supposedly taped pivotal sequences at Endemol Shine Brazil, located at Rua Urussuí, 238 – Itaim Bibi, São Paulo. The production company is best known for creating other spin-off reality shows in Brazil, such as ‘Big Brother Brasil’ and ‘MasterChef Brasil.’
Also known as Terra da Garoa (Land of Drizzle), São Paulo is home to some of the tallest skyscrapers in Brazil, such as Banespa, North Tower, the Mirante do Vale, and Edifício Itália. Furthermore, there are several popular museums across the city, including the Ipiranga Museum, the Ema Gordon Klabin Cultural Foundation, and the São Paulo Museum of Art. Over the years, São Paulo has served as a prominent shooting location for many movies and TV shows. Some notable ones that feature the city are ‘Solace,’ ‘Nine Days,’ ‘Sintonia,’ and ‘Invisible City.’
Read More: Where is Netflix’s Iron Chef: Quest for an Iron Legend Filmed?