Netflix’s ‘The Law of the Jungle’ (originally titled ‘La Ley De La Selva’) is a Mexican reality survival series that puts twelve strangers in the middle of a dense jungle, who first must get to know each other and then work together as a team in different sets of challenges, putting their physical as well as mental strength to the test. However, surviving and winning together is not what’s on every contestant’s mind as some are bound to sabotage each other just to get a cut of the jackpot for themselves.
Thus, it is on the contestants to figure out who, out of them, are team players that can be trusted and who are in the jungle for personal gain. Hosted by Yolanda Andrade, the Netflix show unfolds in a dense and lush green forest, with wild animals and insects lurking in every other corner along with some picturesque waterfalls and rivers. As the contestants indulge in different challenges against different backdrops of the jungle, you are likely to scratch your head wondering where ‘The Law of the Jungle’ is filmed. In that case, allow us to provide you with all the information about the same!
The Law of the Jungle Filming Locations
‘The Law of the Jungle’ is filmed in Colombia, especially in the wilderness of one of the forests in the South American Country. Principal photography for the inaugural iteration of the reality series seemingly commenced in February 2022 and wrapped up in March of the same year. So, let’s follow the contestants as they traverse through the jungle, and get a detailed account of all the specific sites that appear in the Netflix series!
The twelve contestants are abandoned right in the middle of a Colombian jungle, where most of the reality show is lensed. The production team does a good job of including some wildlife imagery, including the river, waterfalls, and animals, to give the viewers a more immersive experience. Moreover, they construct the sets for all the challenges that the contestants go through in the jungle itself.
Given the megadiverse nature of Colombia, it encompasses the Amazonia region, grasslands, highlands, and deserts. Talking of the Amazonia region or Amazon natural region, the area is mostly covered by dense tropical rainforest, which is a small portion of the grander Amazon rainforest. So it is possible that this is the region where the filming unit of ‘The Law of the Jungle’ sets up camp for the most part.
Colombia is known to have the largest number of endemisms out of all the countries in the world, with around 10% of the Earth’s species living in the country, including 1,900 species of bird. Moreover, the natural protected areas make up over 12% of the country’s territory. Thus, given all these features and the significance of jungles and wildlife in Colombia, it makes for a suitable production location for a show like ‘The Law of the Jungle.’
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