Created by Leandro Soares and César Rodrigues, Netflix’s ‘Unsuspicious’ (originally titled ‘Nada Suspeitos’) is a Brazilian mystery comedy series that revolves around three women and their families conned by the same playboy. To get back at him and interrogate him about his acts, the three families decide to turn up at his mansion together and confront him. However, things turn wild and mysterious when they find the playboy dead in his mansion.
Now, the three families must remain in the mansion longer than expected and get to the bottom of the truth. The suspense and mystery behind the playboy’s sudden death isn’t the only thing that keeps you guessing through each episode of the Brazilian series, as the luxurious mansion also makes you wonder about the actual sites utilized for filming ‘Unsuspicious.’ If that’s the case, allow us to provide you with all the necessary information about the same!
Unsuspicious Filming Locations
‘Unsuspicious’ is filmed entirely in Brazil, mainly in São Paulo. The principal photography for the inaugural iteration of the murder mystery series seemingly commenced in early August 2021 and wrapped up a month or so later, in September of the same year. Located along the eastern coast of South America, Brazil is the largest country in South America as well as Latin America.
Thanks to its vast and diverse landscape, Brazil makes for a suitable shooting location for different kinds of movies and TV shows, including ‘Unsuspicious.’ So, let’s not waste any time and dive right into the specific sites that appear in the Netflix series!
São Paulo, Brazil
Most of the pivotal sequences of ‘Unsuspicious’ are lensed in and around São Paulo, a city in Brazil’s Southeast Region. Apart from a few exterior shots, almost the entirety of the debut season was taped in either an actual mansion or a soundstage in the metropolis, where the crew members likely custom-built the set for the series.
São Paulo is home to some of Brazil’s tallest skyscrapers, such as the Mirante do Vale, Edifício Itália, Banespa Building, and North Tower. Besides that, there are various monuments, museums, and parks within the city, including the Latin American Memorial, the Museum of the Portuguese Language, the Ibirapuera Park, the Museum of Ipiranga, and the Ema Gordon Klabin Cultural Foundation, to name a few.
Apart from the tourists, São Paulo is frequented by many filmmakers to scout for suitable locations for different kinds of projects. Over the years, the city has hosted the production of many movies and TV shows; some notable ones are ‘Black Mirror,’ ‘Sense8,’ ‘Good Morning Verônica,’ ‘Elena,’ ‘September Mornings,’ and ‘Verdades Secretas.’
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