An adaptation of Ingmar Bergman’s 1973 Swedish miniseries of the same name, HBO’s ‘Scenes from a Marriage’ is a drama miniseries that explores a contemporary American relationship. Through the eyes of Mira and Jonathan, the show presents an intricately detailed and emotional look at the complexities of relationships and how they are affected by modern standards of living.
The nuanced narrative is also framed accordingly. Most of the show makes the audience feel like they’re standing just a few feet away from the characters and are privy to their deepest emotional moments. Curious about the filming locations of ‘Scenes from a Marriage?’ Well, we’ve got your back! Here’s everything you need to know!
Scenes from a Marriage Filming Locations
Set largely inside Mira and Jonathan’s home, filming for the show was an intimate affair and was kept low-key and silent, which added to the somber subject matter. Filming began around October 2020 and wrapped up in February 2021. The production was reportedly forced to halt for two weeks in November 2020 due to complications resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic. During this time, the central cast members continued to rehearse for their weighty emotional roles. Now, let’s take a look at the specific filming locations used to bring the miniseries to life.
New York City, New York
‘Scenes from a Marriage’ is filmed in and around New York City. The show follows a tech executive named Mira and a philosophy professor, Jonathan, whose loving marriage has slowly eroded over time. The show is almost entirely set in the interiors of the couple’s home in a Boston suburb. The filming was carried out in a warehouse just north of New York City. According to sources, the production team created a set to stand in for Mira and Jonathan’s home.
The production made use of the relatively small space in New York since the idea was to give audiences the feeling of being in the same room as the characters. For this reason, the set was kept as intimate as possible.
Jessica Chastain and Oscar Isaac, who essay the central characters Mira and Jonathan, benefitted from the small, enclosed set that was used for filming, as it helped keep distractions from the outside world to a minimum. Some establishing shots of the show were also seemingly filmed in a residential neighborhood in New York.
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