Netflix’s ‘Indian Matchmaking‘ is a reality series that sheds light on the complex process of arranged marriages in the Indian community. The show follows the matchmaker Sima Taparia as she tries to find suitable partners for singles in India and America, including New Yorker Shital Patel in season 2. The series provides a comprehensive view of the community and its traditions.
Shital’s Indian Matchmaking Journey
Shital Patel, who was raised in Edison, New Jersey, attributes her self-assured and determined nature to her vibrant South-Asian heritage. As a result, she has a clear idea of what she wants and will not compromise on her standards. She has achieved success in her professional life, maintains her fitness and self-care, and brings a lot to the table. Her lengthy list of criteria for a match reflects her expectations, including qualities such as being family-oriented, humorous, intelligent, adventurous, and enthusiastic about travel. She also desires someone with a full head of hair and a tattoo, among other traits.
Shital was advised that she should expect to meet potential partners who matched 60-70% of her criteria. However, she refused to accept this as a compromise and felt that it amounted to settling. Instead, she insisted that the match should meet 80-90% of her expectations. Unfortunately, neither Viral Kothari nor Avinash Shingwani, who were both based in New York, met these standards as there was no physical attraction. Although Shital briefly considered that she had made a mistake in parting ways with Avinash due to his undeniable kindness, things worked out well for her soon after.
Shital’s luck changed when she met Niraj Mehta, a radiation oncologist and choreographer based in Miami, through her sister. They quickly developed a strong connection and fell deeply in love with each other. Shital described Niraj as having a big heart, being passionate and kind, and complementing her in every imaginable way. She also appreciated his openness and honesty, which made her believe that he was “the one.” Another aspect of their relationship that she values is their ability to discuss personal intimacy openly.
Shital and Niraj’s relationship is unique and special to her because he ticks all the boxes on her list of requirements for a partner. They share a deep connection and chemistry that is evident in the way they talk about each other. Shital believes that Niraj is the perfect match for her, and she is willing to move to Florida to be with him. She feels that he is her home and that they are destined to be together. Their love story is a reminder that true love can be found in unexpected places and that it is worth holding out for the right person who complements us in every way possible.
Shital is Focusing on Her Business Now
Shital met Niraj Mehta, an oncologist and choreographer based in Miami, through her sister, and they developed a strong connection that led to a romantic relationship. They have made their relationship “feed official” on Instagram, and they frequently share cozy pictures and videos on their stories, providing glimpses into their love life.
After continuing their long-distance relationship for some time, Shital has moved to Miami, likely to be closer to her soulmate. Shital is a corporate employee, where she works in strategic sales at an energy company. Moreover, the public figure is an entrepreneur with her own line of organic snacks, all of which keep her busy and fulfilled.
Read More: Where is Viral From Indian Matchmaking Now?
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