Based on the long-running British show ‘SAS: Who Dares Wins,’ Fox’s ‘Special Forces: World’s Toughest Test’ (also titled ‘Special Forces: The Ultimate Test’) is a reality competition series that pits together 16 well-known celebrities. They must compete against one another in a series of some of the most intense physical challenges they have ever faced. To give you context about the level of the challenges the contestants go through, they are from the actual Special Forces selection process playbook.
Unlike most competition shows, this one only focuses on challenges without vote-outs or eliminations. The Directing Staff agents Rudy Reyes, Mark ‘Billy’ Billingham, Jason ‘Foxy’ Fox, and Remi Adeleke put the renowned names through 10 relentless days of intense physical training, which also tests their mental and emotional state. Due to the scorching heat and the desert’s arid backdrop, the difficulty level becomes tenfolds for the participants. So, it is natural for you to wonder where ‘Special Forces: World’s Toughest Test’ is shot.
Special Forces: World’s Toughest Test Filming Locations
‘Special Forces: World’s Toughest Test’ is filmed in Jordan, particularly in Wadi Rum. As per reports, the principal photography for the inaugural iteration of the reality series took place over the summer of 2022. Now, without much ado, let us take you through all the specific places where the contestants compete against one another and try to overcome their biggest fears!
Wadi Rum, Jordan
Most of ‘Special Forces: World’s Toughest Test’ is lensed in and around Wadi Rum, the largest wadi or valley in Jordan, situated in the southern portion of the country near the border of Saudi Arabia. Known to offer various activities like rock climbing and hiking, Wadi Rum is where the filming unit of the competition show sets up camp and uses the open space to construct even more adventurous and challenging tasks.
In 2011, the Wadi Rum Protected Area was classified as a UNESCO World Heritage site, which is one of the main reasons it is one of the most popular tourist destinations in all of Jordan. Visitors can indulge in numerous activities, including camel rides, 4×4 tours, horseriding, star-gazing, rock climbing, and hiking. To make the tourists’ experience convenient, there are guided tours, accommodations, and other facilities in Wadi Rum.
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