‘The L Word: Generation Q’ is a drama series created by Ilene Chaiken, Kathy Greenberg, and Michele Abbott that serves as a sequel to ‘The L Word (2004-09).’ The new series is set ten years after the original and revolves around an ensemble of lesbian and bisexual women who live in Silver Lake, Los Angeles. It follows the highs and lows of their lives as they strive to achieve all their dreams and aspirations.
The series gives the audience an intimate look at life in Los Angeles and features various popular spots from across the city. If you are curious to learn more details about these scenic urban locations, we’ve got you covered. Here’s everything we know about the filming sites of ‘The L Word: Generation Q.’
The L Word: Generation Q Filming Locations
‘The L Word: Generation Q’ is primarily set in Los Angeles, California, and the filming of the show takes place mainly in the city. Some portions are filmed in parts of Los Angeles County. The City of Angels is one of the most famous filming destinations in the country, and its multicultural background makes the city an ideal setting and filming location for a show that revolves around individuals of the LGBTQ+ community.
Principal photography on the show’s first season likely commenced in July 2019 and lasted until November 2019. Filming of the second season was delayed due to the Covid-19 pandemic. The second season was shot from December 2020 to May 2021. Let’s take a detailed look at the show’s filming spots.
Los Angeles County, California
‘The L Word: Generation Q’ is filmed at various locations in Los Angeles County. Exterior shots of the Silver Lake Reservoir are regularly seen in episodes. The American Cement Building situated at 2404 Wilshire Boulevard doubles as Bette’s office. The Wilshire Grand Center at 900 Wilshire Boulevard appears in some scenes.
Some sequences for the show’s first season were filmed at Hollywood United Methodist Church on Franklin Avenue. The Village at Ed Gould Plaza prominently features in the second episode. The Village is the site of the real Los Angeles LGBTQ Center, located at 1125 N. McCadden Place.
The Semi-Tropic, a bar in the Echo Park area, serves as the stand-in for the fictional Atlas bar during the filming of a few scenes. Meetup and hangout sessions of the main characters have been filmed at The LINE Hotel (Koreatown), Atrium (Vermont Avenue), Brite Spot Diner, and Kettle Black (both on Sunset Boulevard).
Sony Pictures Studios, located at 10202 Washington Boulevard in Culver City, is one of the important filming sites of the show. The scenes of Alice’s talk show are shot at the studio property along with some other sequences. It is the filming location of popular shows such as ‘Euphoria‘ and ‘The Goldbergs.’ The cast and crew filmed parts of an episode near One Culver, an iconic building at 10000 Washington Boulevard, not far from the studio.
Other filming locations in LA County include sections of Sunset Boulevard, Sanborn Avenue, Mayview Drive, Vista Hermosa Natural Park, Landa Street, Openaire Restaurant, Santa Monica Airport, Sunset Triangle Plaza, Los Angeles Central Library, and Mayfield Senior School.
Read More: Best TV Shows About Lesbians
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