‘The Mysterious Benedict Society’ is a Disney+ series about four gifted children who are brought together by a mysterious benefactor. The mystery adventure is based on the young adult novels series of the same name by Trenton Lee Stewart and is set in an eccentric world, highlighted by the show’s peculiar namesake society of gifted youngsters. Along with the characters, the boarding school where they all live and study has an equally ethereal quality. The highly stylized aesthetic of the show adds to its aura of other-worldly mystery. Are you curious about where this show is filmed? We’ve got the details.
The Mysterious Benedict Society Filming Locations
The show is set in a fictional magical world that is slowly revealed as the characters begin to learn their strengths. It is filmed in British Columbia, which offers an ample variety of period and modern settings needed to create the show’s backdrop. The production was slated to commence in mid-2020 but was derailed by the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic and eventually began on August 26, 2020. The crew wrapped up filming in January 2021. Let’s take a closer look at the show’s specific filming locations.
Vancouver, British Columbia
The fictional town of Stonetown, where most of the series is set, is recreated in Vancouver in British Columbia. Multiple outdoor and indoor locations around the city are used for filming the mystery series. Also known as the Hollywood North, Vancouver also serves the eclectic period aesthetic of the show well by offering a wide variety of vintage buildings where production takes place.
Gastown, a neighborhood adjacent to downtown Vancouver, is used extensively for on-location filming. Being a national historic site and recognized as the place of the original settlement that eventually evolved into modern-day Vancouver, the area is full of eclectic streets and buildings that are used in the show.
@WhatsFilming @yvrshoots Some photo’s of tonight’s filming on Water Street, looks like a certain time period with lots of people in late 40’s & 50’s attire pic.twitter.com/c34Tt5ffXc
— NewWestBoyⓂ️ (@CaptCanuck66) November 3, 2020
In November 2020, filming took place around Homer Street of West Hastings and also resulted in lane closures south of 300 West Cordova, where traffic had to be diverted. Outdoor filming took place on multiple stretches of Water Street, including south of the 300 block and between 1-100 Water Street. Period scenes featuring vintage cars and set design were also filmed in the Gastown neighborhood.
The countryside around the city of Vancouver was also used for filming outdoor scenes in the first season. The natural beauty of the area, combined with the time of year when filming took place, made possible much of the spectacular and surreal natural scenery seen on the show. The crew uses multiple locations in British Columbia around Vancouver for filming natural outdoor scenes.
The show is also filmed extensively in the studio, where a majority of its indoor scenes are shot. Elaborate outdoor sets have been constructed at North Shore Studios, located at 555 Brooksbank Avenue in North Vancouver. Much of the show’s filming takes place here, with the studio facilities serving as a base for production.
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