Created by Felix Barrett and Dennis Kelly, the HBO/Sky Atlantic mystery drama series ‘The Third Day’ revolves around two individuals’ (Jude Law and Naomie Harris) surreal experiences on a mysterious island in separate times. As they are drawn towards the near-primeval beauty of the island, they are confronted by hostile locals, who will do anything to safeguard their way of life. The production of the miniseries is divided into three blocks. The first, titled ‘Summer’, has three episodes. The second, ‘titled Autumn’, had a live theatrical broadcast. The third, titled ‘Winter’, is also comprised of three episodes. If the picturesque and foreboding setting of the series has made you wonder about where it has been filmed, this is the article for you.
The Third Day Filming Locations
A collaborative effort between Sky and HBO, whose previous joint ventures include ‘Chernobyl’ and ‘Catherine the Great’, ‘The Third Day’ was picked up in June 2019. Law was the first actor to be cast in the series. In the next few months, Katherine Waterston, Paddy Considine, Emily Watson, Harris, and John Dagleish joined the cast. Principal photography started in July that year in the UK and went on for five months before concluding in December. A large portion of ‘The Third Day’ has been filmed in Kent. The mysterious island depicted in the series is Osea Island, an inhabited landmass located off the coast of Essex. The scenes involving the island were shot on location.
Kent, England
#Hollywood actor #JudeLaw shooting new TV series in #Kent
— KentOnline (@Kent_Online) July 29, 2019
Huge film crew next to the Lido. Apparently Sky Atlantic are filming a series called The Third Day #skyatlantic #margate #margatelido #thethirdday #cliftonville
— Friends Of Cliftonville Coastline (@FOCC_UK) December 7, 2019
Local news outlets report that ‘The Third Day’ was filmed in various locations in Kent, including Fog Signal Station, Village of Chiddingstone, Ferry House Inn & Harty Ferry, Quex Park, Shellness Beach and Huts, Margate Lido Complex, St Clere Estate, Grain Coastal Park, Bedgebury National Pinetum Forest, Walpole Bay Tidal Pool, and Allens Farm. Some scenes were filmed in Hever Castle, according to the historical building’s website. Law and the crew also traveled to the Isle of Sheppey, located off Kent’s northern shore, where filming happened in the small hamlet of Harty.
Osea Island, Essex
Welcome to Osea. Starring Jude Law, Naomie Harris, Emily Watson and Katherine Waterston, #TheThirdDay premieres September 14.
— HBO (@HBO) July 22, 2020
‘The Third Day’ utilizes the real-life history of the ‘Osea Island’ as a launchpad for their plot. In 1903, the island was purchased by a former brewer named Frederick Nicholas Charrington. Interestingly, he used the land to set up an institution for rehabilitating people with alcohol and opiate abuse problems. Although well-respected as a philanthropist and social reformer, there is a belief that he was Jack the Ripper. Speaking about her experience of shooting on the island, Emily Watson stated she personally found it to be a “little bit creepy”, adding “On a clear day with a sunny sky, it’s beautiful. There’s amazing birdlife. But it’s got all these creepy hedge tunnels and it’s just got a sense that stuff has happened there; it was a rehab place for a while.”
Read More: Where Was Strange But True Filmed?