Based on the 1877 classic novel of the same name, penned by Anna Sewell, ‘Black Beauty‘ is a drama movie that follows Jo Green (Mackenzie Foy) as she forms an undeniable and unbreakable bond with a beautiful horse, Black Beauty (voiced by Kate Winslet), that overcomes all odds and lasts a lifetime. Written and directed by Ashley Avis, with a production between the United States of America, the United Kingdom, South Africa, and Germany, it also stars Claire Forlani, Fern Deacon, and Iain Glen. Curious to know more about ‘Black Beauty’ and where to stream it? We’ve got you covered.
What Is Black Beauty About?
Set in modern-day, ‘Black Beauty’ is the tale of the titular animal as she is viciously and inhumanely captured, rounded up in the wild, and separated from her family before she finds a permanent home with John (Iain Glen), who is considered to be the horse whisperer. John’s life is turned upside down, though, when he finds himself becoming the guardian of his 17-year-old niece Jo as well, who recently lost her parents. But in a turn of events, the spirited teenage girl and the wild and untamable horse find solace with each other, which helps them in ways they could have never imagined.
Is Black Beauty on Netflix?
Unfortunately, no. ‘Black Beauty,’ which premiered worldwide on November 27, 2020, is not currently available to stream on Netflix. And from the looks of it, it doesn’t seem like it would be making its way to the streaming giant anytime soon either. But if you do want to watch similar to this movie there, you can check out ‘Hachi: A Dog’s Tale‘ or ‘Benji.’
Is Black Beauty on Hulu?
‘Black Beauty’ is not on Hulu. If you’re a Hulu subscriber, then a couple of good alternative options would be to watch the 1998 drama romance movie ‘The Horse Whisperer‘ or the 2018 rom-com ‘Dog Days.’ They’re both fun-loving animal films that will entrap you in its plot from the get-go.
Is Black Beauty on Amazon Prime?
‘Black Beauty’ is currently not available to stream on Amazon Prime either. If you are looking to watch something like it on the platform, though, you can always check out the 1994 adaptation of ‘Black Beauty‘ on there, or you can watch ‘The Black Stallion,’ which is another movie that captures a horse’s connection with a human that breaks all bounds.
Where To Watch Black Beauty Online?
‘Black Beauty’ is exclusively available to stream on Disney+. If you’re not already a subscriber to the platform, you can sign up for $6.99 a month or $69.99 for a full year, but just remember that if you don’t cancel your subscription before that time period is over, it will get auto-renewed.
How To Stream Black Beauty For Free?
Unfortunately, ‘Black Beauty’ cannot be streamed for free at this point since it is not available on any website that offers a free trial. So if you want to watch this film without any issues, you would have to pay for it on Disney+.
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