Directed by Don McBrearty, Hallmark’s ‘The Perfect Pairing’ is a romantic drama movie that follows an accomplished food and wine critic Christina who tragically loses her memory after accidentally hitting her head. The winery where she slips is owned by the Hollingbrook family, who decides to take care of her.
Christina then helps the Hollingbrooks set up an important wine-tapping party. Hallmark movies are known to produce magic and wonder on the screen wherever these films are shot, and ‘The Perfect Pairing’ manages to do that successfully. In case you’ve found yourself obsessing over the movie, here is everything we know about it!
The Perfect Pairing Filming Locations
‘The Perfect Pairing’ was filmed in Ontario, especially in Niagara-on-the-Lake and Toronto. Principal photography took place sometime in the spring of 2021. Like all Hallmark productions, the beautiful locations turn out to be one of the main attractions in the movie besides the chemistry between the lead characters. Do you want to know where it was shot? We’d like to share all that we know about it!
Niagara-on-the-Lake, Ontario
Niagara-on-the-Lake serves as a primary filming location for the movie. A considerable chunk of the film was shot at the Peller Estates Winery and Restaurant, located at 290 John Street East. It specializes in farm-to-table cooking, and they also have wines growing onsite. The brand has won multiple awards for its wines, and its ice wine is widely popular. Ice wine is a rare liquid made out of the juice of naturally frozen grapes. These grapes are usually handpicked at night amidst icy temperatures dipping below -10ºC.
In the movie, we see Christina help Michael brew the perfect ice wine. Likewise, Niagara-on-the-Lake is famously known for its wineries. Located in southern Ontario, the town lies on the shores of Lake Ontario. Movies filmed in Niagara-on-the-Lake include ‘The Dead Zone,’ ‘The Recruit,’ ‘Canadian Bacon,’ and many more.
Toronto, Ontario
A significant portion of the movie was filmed in Toronto, Ontario. The city is commonly known for its high-rise structures and skyscrapers. It also houses the tallest free-standing structure in the Western Hemisphere, that is the CN Tower. So, it serves as a stylish background in many productions that require an urban landscape. The city is said to be the center of the province’s film and television production sector, where creativity is free-flowing. A good number of filmmakers and producers have walked into the city hoping to actualize their ideas and vision. A few films shot in Toronto are ‘Good Will Hunting,’ ‘Suicide Squad,’ and ‘The Shape of Water.’
The Perfect Pairing Cast
The cast of ‘The Perfect Pairing’ features Nazneen Contractor as Christina, a famous food and wine critic who loses her memory after an accident. The actor is known for her roles in ‘Roman J. Israel, Esq.,’ ‘Star Trek Into Darkness,’ and ‘Heroes Reborn.’ Brennan Elliott plays Michael Hollingbrook, the caretaker of the Hollingbrook family’s winery. You may have seen the actor in ‘Night at the Museum: Secret of the Tomb,’ ‘Curse of Chucky,’ and ‘Cedar Cove.’
Art Hindle stars as John Hollingbrook in the movie. The actor is credited for his roles in ‘Black Christmas,’ ‘E.N.G.’ and ‘Speed Zone.’ Other actors in the Hallmark film are Genelle Williams (Diane), Zarina Rocha (Britney), Richard Waugh (Gene), and Steve Byers (Kevin). Others who appear in significant roles are Shauna MacDonald (Eleanor), Robert Clarke (Sam), Ronica Sajnani (Phyllis), Neil Whitley (Dr. Grayson), and Beth Hornby (Betsy).
Read More: Best Hallmark Channel Movies on Netflix
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