Directed by Chris Columbus, ‘Stepmom’ is a heartwarming story of a “not a classic” stepmom who attempts to balance her relationship with her partner’s terminally ill ex-wife and her children. The 1998 drama movie revolves around Jackie (Susan Sarandon), whose world turns upside down when she finds out she has cancer. On the other hand, her ex-husband brings home a younger and more ambitious woman, Isabel (Julia Roberts), who is set to fill in her shoes as the stepmother.
Jackie feels very insecure as the kids start becoming close to the latter and thinks she’s being replaced. On the other hand, Isabel feels she could never match up with the children’s birth mother. The movie beautifully depicts the journey between two mothers who eventually become friends and help each other overcome their problems. Besides, the visual aesthetic is enough to incite curiosity about the actual filming sites of ‘Stepmom’ in your mind. We’re here to answer all your questions.
Stepmom Filming Locations
‘Stepmom’ was filmed in New York and New Jersey, particularly in New York City, Rockland County, and Westchester County. Principal photography for the Susan Sarandon starter reportedly commenced on September 22, 1997, and wrapped up on January 23, 1998. Let’s take a closer look at each of these filming sites.
New York City, New York
Most of the scenes of ‘Stepmom’ were shot across New City, the most populous city in the US. The iconic Brooklyn Bridge and the New York Metropolis skyline are first seen in the opening sequence. Isabel Kelly’s apartment in the movie is located at Spring Street and Wooster Street in Lower Manhattan. Moreover, New York City’s corporate metropolitan design and glistening nighttime perspective make it one of the most sought-after backdrops for filming.
The scene in which Isabel loses Ben during a photo shoot was lensed at a beautiful miniature castle called Belvedere Castle, located atop Vista Rock, a stunning rock outcrop in Central Park. At the Conservatory Water in Central Park, tucked between Manhattan’s Upper West and Upper East Sides, Luke and the children are seen having a great time together. Heartwarming bonding scenes between the kids, Jackie and Isabel, were shot at the Wollman Rink, located at 830 5th Avenue in the southern part of Central Park, Manhattan.
Rockland County, New York
Several interior scenes of ‘Stepmom’ were taped in Rockland County, the southernmost county on the west side of the Hudson River. The interior and exterior scenes set in Jackie’s home were recorded at a production facility in Nyack, in Orangetown. The Old ’76 House, situated in the same town’s Tappan hamlet, was a recurring location for filming. It features in the scene where Jackie dines twice with her ex-husband and Isabel. Known as America’s oldest restaurant, it was built in 1668 and is located at 110 Main Street in Tappan.
Westchester County, New York
The horseback riding scenes in the comedy-drama movie were shot in Bedford in Westchester County. Furthermore, Anna and Ben attend Bronxville High School at 177 Pondfield Road in Bronxville. Rye, Mamaroneck, and Larchmont are the other towns in the county where the production team lensed pivotal scenes.
New Jersey
In ‘Stepmom,’ the scene when Ben gets injured was taped in Maplewood, a township in Essex County. It was chosen because it provides the perfect backdrop of vibrant orange Sugar Maple leaves in the autumn. In addition, many of the scenes in ‘Stepmom’ were filmed in other New Jersey cities, including Morristown, Montclair, and Glen Ridge.
Read More: Is Stepmom (1998) Based on a True Story?
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