‘Underworld’ is a thrilling film that sets the stage for the successful action franchise that has given birth to five live-action movies, one animated film, and several other crossovers and video game releases. The 2003 film led by director Len Wiseman stars Kate Beckinsale as Selene, a vampire caught in the war between her faction and the Lycans. When Selene meets and falls for a human, the movie brings the tried and tested dilemma of love into play.
With the human being bitten by a Lycan, the decision to save him or kill him falls to Selene. Perfectly portraying how Selene is torn between her love and her loyalty to her clan, the movie has often been praised for its brilliant screenplay, action sequences and gothic visuals. Naturally, you must be wondering about where ‘Underworld’ was filmed. So let’s find out, shall we?
Underworld Filming Locations
‘Underworld’ was shot on location in several parts of Hungary. Filming commenced on September 2, 2002, and continued for over two months before concluding on November 23, 2002. The beautiful city, with its magnificent architecture, provided the movie with its haunting gothic feel. Here is a detailed look into the specific filming locations of the film.
Budapest, Hungary
With the plot of the movie set in Budapest, the capital of Hungary, it was natural for the crew to shoot on location in the beautiful city. Budapest is renowned for its spectacular architectural wonders showcasing numerous styles ranging from neoclassical to Gothic Revival. The film brings out the structural beauty of the city and combines it with masterful lighting to set the tone of the events.
The fan-favorite subway shootout in the movie was expertly shot on location in the Budapest subway, which also comes into play in a few other scenes. The crew shot several scenes at Gozsdu-Udvar, which was designed by the architect professor Győző Czigler. It is one of the prime examples of Budapest’s beautiful architecture. A complex of seven buildings and their adjacent courtyards, the Gozsdu Courtyard even served as a Jewish ghetto from 1944 to 1945.
The production team also utilized the historical Mafilm Studios in Budapest for the numerous special and visual effects used in the film. Even the Lycan suits were custom-made in the studio. Interestingly, Mafilm also helped in the making of movies like ‘The Boy in the Striped Pajamas’ and ‘Son of Saul.’
Nádasdladány, Hungary
Nádasdy Mansion, a neo-gothic mansion in Nádasdladány, Hungary, Nádasdy Mansion provided the perfect backdrop for the movie’s dark and brooding gothic atmosphere. Although the inside of the mansion was not used in the film, the crew used the grounds to shoot the outdoor scenes of Ördögház, the Old World Coven’s seat of power. The lighting and music combined gave the mansion a gloomy and frightful look, perfectly matching the movie’s vibe.
Read More: Underworld Movies, Ranked From Worst to Best
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