Directed by Gavin O’Connor, ‘Warrior’ is a 2011 sports drama movie that follows two brothers who find their true calling within the brutal confines of an MMA ring. Plagued by issues of the past, the estranged siblings — ex-Marine Tommy and his brother, Brendan — finally find an opportunity to face their demons head-on and reconcile with each other. The film makes for an engaging watch owing to its powerful cast consisting of Tom Hardy and Joel Edgerton in the lead roles.
The story unfolds in a fast-paced and ruthless world in the heart of a metropolitan city that has not been kind to both Tommy and Brendan. The locations are composed of high-rise buildings that brilliantly touch the skyline, giving the movie immense flavor and appeal. If you’re curious to know where it was filmed, take a look at everything you need to know!
Warrior Filming Locations
‘Warrior’ was filmed over three states — New Jersey, Pennsylvania, and California. The different locations featured in the film, besides the exciting action sequences, make sure that the viewers don’t get bored throughout its run. The production of the film reportedly took place around April 2009 and carried on for several months. Are you ready to find out more about the filming sites? Let’s get into the details.
Many locations in the state of Pennsylvania commonly show up in ‘Warrior.’ The popular casino scenes were shot in Washington, a city in the southwestern part of Pennsylvania. To be more precise, they were spectacularly shot at the Meadows Racetrack & Casino, located at 210 Racetrack Road. Other than Washington, the city of Pittsburgh is another major filming site of ‘Warrior.’ 31st Street Studios, formerly known as The Mogul Minds Studios, located at 77 31st Street, also served as one of the shooting sites.
The filming of the classroom scenes is credited to the Petersen Events Center and the North Hills High School. Other important locations include the Twin Hi-Way Drive-In, a now-demolished building at Liberty Avenue, Don’s Diner at 1729 Eckert Street, and Marshall-Shadeland, a neighborhood across the Ohio River. Director O’Connor further used the location as a substitute for other places, such as the war scenes based in Iraq. The city of Pittsburgh also stood in for several scenes set in Philadelphia.
New Jersey
A portion of the filming also took place in New Jersey, famous for its wonderful scenery. It has a beautiful coastline which is the main source of tourist attraction in the state. The tourists are perennially entertained by its seaside resort towns, including Atlantic City, Asbury Park, and Cape May. Its contribution to the entertainment industry is also remarkable, considering the fact that the state is the birthplace of countless musical icons such as Bruce Springsteen, Jon Bon Jovi, and Frank Sinatra.
In addition, New Jersey does not lag when it comes to its suitability as a filming spot. Many productions such as ‘Rocky,’ ‘Dressed to Kill,’ and ‘Philadelphia’ were filmed in the state. The exterior scenes of the main fighting sequence in ‘Warrior,’ along with the clips featuring the beach and the boardwalk, were shot at Boardwalk Hall in Atlantic City, a resort city on the state’s Atlantic coast. Tom Hardy followed a rigorous training regime to gain muscle for the film, which resulted in a surge of about 28 pounds.
Santa Clarita, California
The production team additionally moved to Santa Clarita in northwestern Los Angeles County for the filming of the movie. Located north of Los Angeles, the city is home to Six Flags Magic Mountain theme park that is renowned for its roller coasters. It is also home to various historical sites and natural spaces, which provides a lot of advantages to filmmakers wanting to direct or produce in the city. Major productions such as ‘Criminal Minds,’ ‘The Office,’ and ‘Westworld’ were also shot in Santa Clarita.
Read More: Is Warrior Based on a True Story?
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