‘Lady Voyeur’ is a Brazillian crime thriller show on Netflix. Grappling with concepts of revenge, power play, family tribulations, and sexual adventures, the limited series is puzzling with numerous twists and revelations. The show is bound to leave you amazed with a unique plotline and powerful performances by actors like Débora Nascimento, Emanuelle Araújo, Angelo Rodrigues, and Nikolas Antunes. Created by Marcela Citterio, the show follows Miranda and her struggle to cope with a strange and underlying conspiracy that threatens to unravel her world completely.
Miranda is a hacker and likes to indulge in voyeurism at her neighbor, Cleo’s expense. Following Cleo’s disappearance, Miranda gets caught in the midst of sex trafficking and various murder investigations. Her fate and luck are tested at every step of the way. In this weird string of happenings, she paid the price with not only her sanity but also her best friend. Miranda considered Rita to be her sister and her death causes Miranda to break down instantaneously. The mystery of Rita and Zoe’s murder is potent to the story of ‘Lady Voyeur,’ so let’s find out who committed these murders.
Fernando Murdered Zoe
Zoe was Fernando’s estranged wife. Her spoilt and demanding attitude caused the couple to get a divorce. However, she kept in touch with the family by blackmailing Diana. Zoe recorded Diana murdering Bernardo and started asking her for money to keep silent. Nobody in the family liked Zoe or had any sympathy for her. Even her parents disowned her because of her spendy ways.
In a desperate cry for help, Zoe asks Fernando to lend her some money. On top of that, she threatens to kill him if he doesn’t comply. Zoe reveals that she knows about Fernando’s role in Bernardo’s murder and that he has been stealing money from Diana. Tired of being blackmailed and threatened, Fernando tries to calm her down and takes the gun for himself. Under the influence of sheer anger and overwhelming guilt, Fernando pulls the trigger and kills Zoe.
Fernando’s reality comes to light after this event. He killed his ex-wife in cold blood and did not worry about the consequences. He believed his money and power will get him out of any trouble. Furthermore, his pride wins again in the face of threat or danger.
Rita’s Shocking Demise: A Victim of Cruel Jealousy
Rita is one of the sweetest and most innocent characters on a show that is filled with liars and cheaters. She is a pure soul with the best intentions. Moreover, Rita longed for love her entire life, and she finally receives that from Rafael. Her dance studio and her romantic life with Rafael were right on track when tragedy hits and her life is left in upheaval.
Paulo stabs and murders Rita at Ana’s orders. Rita made no mistake nor did she commit any crime. Her friendship with Miranda brought about her death in a cruel way. Ana reveals that she got Rita killed only to hurt Miranda. Her obsession with revenge is so great that she took an innocent life only to cause Miranda tremendous pain. Ana claims that she is the only sister Miranda will ever have. More than revenge, Ana seems to be jealous of Rita and Miranda’s closeness and their love for each other. Ana could never connect that way with Miranda. Rather than being sisters and sharing their troubles, Ana turned hostile and blamed Miranda for everything wrong in her life.
For both Fernando and Ana, everyone else is just a piece of the puzzle. They did not view people as human beings but rather saw them as pawns to be knocked off the board so that they can get what they want.
Read More: Where is Netflix’s Lady Voyeur Filmed?