The premiere episode of Starz’s historical series ‘Outlander’ centers around the arrival of Thomas Christie, his family, and other settlers at Fraser’s Ridge. Jamie and Claire welcome the new tenants and help them settle in the region. The episode progresses through Jamie confronting the menace of Richard Brown and the pathway ahead of him as the new Indian agent of the British Crown. The eventful episode ends with a tribute to the memory of Alan Decker. Naturally, admirers of the show must be wondering who Decker was and about his connection with ‘Outlander.’ On that note, here’s everything you need to know!
Who Was Alan Decker in Outlander Title Card?
Born on September 14, 1961, Alan Decker was the re-recording mixer of ‘Outlander’ from the very first episode of the show, titled ‘Sassenach,’ that aired in 2014. From the premiere episode of the show to the fifth season finale, Decker had served as the re-recording mixer of the show’s 67 episodes. The sixth season premiere is the first episode of ‘Outlander’ that was produced without the participation of Decker. He was also the winner of the HPA Awards for Outstanding Sound – Television in 2016 for his work in ‘Outlander,’ an award he shared with his fellow sound technicians.
Apart from ‘Outlander,’ Decker’s major credits include ‘Homeland,’ ‘Grimm,’ ‘Chicago P.D.,’ ‘Suits,’ etc. In an illustrious career that began in 1995, Decker worked in the sound department of over 150 projects. The last production he worked on prior to his death was ‘Your Honor.’ From ‘The Simpsons’ to ‘Psych,’ Decker was an integral part of the sound department of various renowned television shows, documentaries, and several other projects of diverse formats.
Decker was also one of the most acclaimed re-recording mixers of his generation. Along with the list of numerous popular television shows he worked, Decker was also nominated for six Emmy Awards, winning two for his work on ‘Avalanche: The White Death’ as the sound editor and sound mixer of the project. His other Emmy-nominated works include ‘Gifted Hands: The Ben Carson Story,’ ‘Ike: Countdown To D-Day,’ and ‘Shooting War.’ Apart from the Emmys, Decker was nominated for six Cinema Audio Society Awards, winning one for his sound mixing work in ‘Homeland’ in 2013.
Alan Decker’s Cause of Death
Alan Decker died in December 2020 in Pasadena, California, at the age of 59. The exact cause or nature of Decker’s death has not yet been disclosed. Following his death, Cinema Audio Society released a memorial that acknowledged Decker’s influence and significance in the industry and extended their condolences to Alan’s family, friends, and colleagues. “Alan was a mentor to many and a strong figure in the sound community known for his positive and encouraging nature,” the memorial reads. “Al was a really sweet guy and will be missed,” said CAS Board member David Bondelevitch in the memorial.
Alan Decker was one of the most prolific re-recording mixers of his times, who had proudly displayed his efficiency in some of the greatest television shows of all time. Through the episode tribute, the crew members of ‘Outlander’ pay their respect to Alan for his service that was integral to the show’s success.
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