‘Wolf Like Me,’ a comedy-drama show created by Abe Forsythe, explores a family’s relatable anxieties and baggage through an entirely abnormal situation. Getting their meet-cute through a roadside accident, single father Gary and widow Mary enter each other’s lives at tumultuous times. Nevertheless, the couple soon realizes that their destinies are better suited to each other as Mary helps Gary connect with his daughter, Emma. Meanwhile, Gary loves and supports Mary through her recurring werewolf transformations.
In season 2, Gary, Mary, and Emma’s unconventional journey as a family becomes even more apparent as the pregnant couple prepares for the birth of Emma’s child. However, the complications presented by the situation, alongside the pair’s respective baggage, continue to take their toll on Mary and Gary. Thus, the question remains: can the couple make it through this atypical time? Let’s find out! SPOILERS AHEAD!
The Course of Mary and Gary’s Relationship
As Mary and Gary start off this season, the former is six months pregnant and deeply embroiled in her nervousness about the situation. Mary has a number of anxieties about giving birth, and all of them center around her wolfish alter-ego. As such, even though Gary wants to reassure his partner, he can seldom be of much help. In fact, Gary’s early attempts to help Mary with her werewolf problems end in a disaster.
Since the couple’s relationship has progressed, they decide to move into a house together so that Gary, Mary, Emma, and their newest addition can be a family under one roof. Nonetheless, a new home equals a new basement for Mary to hide in during full moons. The woman is already dealing with big changes in her life. Consequently, Mary becomes overwhelmed when Gary’s overenthusiasm to help results in a modified basement instead of her comforting cold and dark room.
To make matters worse, her first night in the basement ends horribly after Gary accidentally lets her out into the locked-down house, free to terrorize him and his various belongings. As expected, the traumatic night takes a toll on the couple. Gary insists Mary retains enough of herself as a wolf to remember her family. On the other hand, Mary blames Gary for overcompensating with the basement instead of just ensuring it remained a safe space.
The argument propels the couple to consider that perhaps the universe is giving them a sign that they shouldn’t be together. Since Mary and Gary believed similar signs when they pointed at them having a future together, it’s hard to refute them on this matter. For instance, Gary repeatedly runs into another woman, who turns out to be Emma’s best friend, Abigail’s mother. Their interactions remain painfully reminiscent of Gary and Mary’s initial meeting.
One day, while picking Emma from Abigail’s house, Gary ends up having a conversation with the single mother, finding her life to be much easier and less chaotic than his. Furthermore, she tells Gary that she’s been single since Abigail’s birth, preferring to prioritize her safety and well-being over romantic entanglements. The implication remains clear: Gary and Emma may be safer if they didn’t have Mary in their lives.
Later, Mary repeats the same sentiment and gives Gary an out, believing her problems are too much for him. Nevertheless, Gary doesn’t want to give up on them. He knows his and Emma’s lives have been better for it since Mary, the woman he irrevocably loves, became a part of their family. As such, in a grand romantic gesture, Gary fixes his past mistake of designing Mary’s basement, her one literal safe space, without her consultation.
After buying Mary’s old basement door from her previous house’s new owners at an incredibly high rate, Gary proposes to his girlfriend, letting her know he doesn’t plan to walk out on them ever. Yet, their relationship is tested one last time when someone from Mary’s past returns to her life.
After Mary got turned into a werewolf all those years ago and killed her husband, she looked for answers from the smartest person she knew: Anton, her college professor. Their meeting ended in them sleeping together and Mary unwittingly turning Anton into a werewolf through the bite. Now, Anton arrives at her doorstep, wishing for a partner to accompany him in his wolfish misadventures.
If Anton’s mere presence is enough to put Gary on guard, his eventual arrival at their door hours before the full moon makes everything much worse. Although Anton only comes to talk, the rising moon makes Mary drag him into the basement with her to keep Gary safe. But, of course, as soon as the two wolves enter the locked basement together, they begin having animal sex with each other, while Gary is forced to hear their howls from the door’s other side.
The next morning, Mary maintains she doesn’t remember anything from last night— as was the norm during her transformation, but Gary’s heart and mind remain bruised. As such, while Mary goes to confront Anton, Gary spends his day looking for some consolation or an explanation. Eventually, Gary realizes he loves Mary too much to lose her over something like this, and he can’t hold something her wolf-persona did against her.
Afterward, Gary also learns that Anton doesn’t remember the night either, which, though unnecessary, eases Gary’s worries a bit. Ultimately, the couple stays together, still engaged, with Anton as another forgotten bump in the road. In the end, Mary has her baby on the full moon despite multiple tense situations. Following Wolf-Mary’s exhaustion from the birthing process, Gary enters the wolf’s basement to bring their pup to her for reassurance and comfort. The couple end up together, safe and happy in love, ready to face the future complications that are undoubtedly heading their way.
Read More: Is Wolf Like Me Based on a True Story?
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