Lifetime’s ‘Young, Stalked, and Pregnant’ is a thriller that follows the story of an 18-year-old girl whose plans for a bright future are jeopardized when she becomes pregnant, and her baby daddy won’t leave her alone. Directed by Robert Malenfant, the film showcases how college-bound high schooler Audrey’s life plans get derailed when she finds out that she is pregnant with her boyfriend Sam’s baby. Sam wants to get married and raise the baby with her.
However, Audrey is not ready to give up on her dreams and the life that she has worked so hard for. So, she makes some decisions that do not sit well with Sam. Together with his mother, Sam starts stalking and threatening Audrey, an action that snowballs into something deadly that’s outside of his control as well.
If you want to know where the movie ‘Young, Stalked, and Pregnant’ was filmed and who is in the cast. Here’s all the information you need.
Young, Stalked, and Pregnant: Where Was it Filmed?
‘Young, Stalked, and Pregnant’ was filmed entirely on location in California. Principal photography took place in October 2019, and details of the movie, such as the plot and exact filming locations, have been kept carefully under wraps. Here is more information about where the thriller was filmed!
Los Angeles, California
The majority of the filming of ‘Young, Stalked, and Pregnant’ took place in the City of Angels and Hollywood’s home base. Over the years of Hollywood’s existence, numerous films and TV shows have been filmed in Los Angeles, even those that aren’t set in the city. ‘Young, Stalked, and Pregnant’ is just one in the long, long list of made-for-TV movies shot in and around Los Angeles.
Santa Clarita, California
All the scenes set in Audrey’s home were shot in Santa Clarita, a city just north of Los Angeles. It’s the same city where Drew Barrymore’s Netflix show ‘Santa Clarita Diet’ is set. Some of the most popular TV shows to have also filmed in Santa Clarita are ‘The Office‘, ‘Westworld’, ‘The West Wing’, ‘House’, and ‘Criminal Minds‘. Some of the movies that were shot here are ‘The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen’, ‘Once Upon a Time in Hollywood‘, and ‘Back to the Future‘.
Young, Stalked, and Pregnant Cast
‘Young, Stalked, and Pregnant’ features a talented cast with Taylor Blackwell playing the role of Audrey. You may have seen Taylor previously in ‘Designated Survivor’ or ‘Magic City.’ Bart Johnson (Coach Bolton from ‘High School Musical’) stars as Audrey’s dad while Lindsay Hartley of ‘Days of Our Lives’ fame portrays the role of her mother. In negative roles are Cody Sulek as Sam and Tanya Clarke (‘A Beautiful Mind,’ ‘Inhumans’) as his possibly crazy mother.
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